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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

[ Edited ]

These two things are key, IMHO, irrespective of any "fabulosity":


#1:  good health (in every single way)

#2   wealth (enough to be independent & always have options)


Just a reminder, not everyone has family and friends that make things easier or harder. So I didn't include that.

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

@qualitygal wrote:

I'm wondering a little, what happens after 80? It'll be here before we know it.  Time flys. Just get the most and best out of each day you can.  

I'll let you know in eight years.

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

GOOD HEALTH is the #1 thing that everyone should hope for.  Without it nothing else matters!!!

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

50 is just a number. I honestly don't understood this whole marketing push with 50. Seems like someone dreamt it up and they all fell in line. Maybe it's me missing the boat.

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

My mom had a very positive outlook regarding life even though she had a very sad childhood (lost both parents at age 9) and a daughter (not me) who made every day an extremely difficult one. None of her many friends realized what she was dealing with.


I've tried to adopt her same attitude and just be grateful for every day. I'll be 71 in a couple weeks and am feeling pretty darn good. I just try to be the best me I can be at whatever age I am.

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

50 was 13 years ago for me. Spent 30+ years in the medical field, caring for others. My Spouse and I cared for several terminal family members until they passed. Got hurt and retired at 52. The Hosts participating in the 50 foolishness do not live in the world I live in. They are for the most part, wealthy or married into money. They buy " multiples" of things when I consider all purchases regardless of cost. They have Stylists, Make up Artists. They worry constantly about things like manicures, pedicures, wearing Apple Watches and touting the latest i phone. They suffer greatly from affluenza. I usually have garden dirt under my finger nails, I eat raw asparagus stalks while sitting at the edge of my asparagus patch. I feed the birds and help my neighbors. We take food to folks in our community that are sick, in need or that have lost a loved one. We pray, we love the Lord. I wouldn't trade my life for any of theirs. I don't need a support group to hold me up. My life is already filled with love, light, a wonderful Spouse and great neighbors. And a God that loves me. There is nothing else to ask for! 

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

Unfortunately, I spent most of my 40's watching my husband battle cancer and going through 2 bone marrow transplants. He died when I was 50 (he was 51). So I've spent my 50's trying to learn to live life much differently than I anticipated I would at this stage. So yes, I had to deal with far more than I ever anticipated by that age. I thought we were going to get to grow old together. I also have an adult son with special needs who depends on me. He's going through some medical issues now too. I only wish life was fabulous after 50! It wasn't fabulous before 50 for me. At this point I'm just trying to survive.

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

@lgfan wrote:

I am waiting for the "60 and Sexy" campaign.


I am going to be 60 years old next month.  My 50's brought me menopause and a hysterectomy.  I am happy to say goodbye to that decade.Smiley Happy

@lgfan, I will be 60 next month too. How did this happen so quickly?

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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

@bargainsgirl wrote:

GOOD HEALTH is the #1 thing that everyone should hope for.  Without it nothing else matters!!!




ITA ... and it's realy true ... when you have good health, you have everything ...  Woman Happy




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Re: What Do You Expect After 50? Just Curious

Introspect, I didn't think it was anything.  Just busy with job, kids, family and friends.


I had no idea, at all, what death and illness could do.  Glad I was still innocent.