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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

My dad, still with us at 90, although can't remember a whole lot now, did the best with what he could. Mostly good lessons, took us to church, gave us a sense of humor, and more. He had a lousy, lousy upbringing, so, he did what he could and did pretty darn good. I don't feel we ever did w/o, but not spoiled, maybe alternatives. He taught us honesty, care for others, right vs. wrong. We never broke the law, we would never do anything to embarrass them or the family. We gave back what we could to our folks in proper behavior. He taught me how to Polka!

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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

On 8/28/2014 Opurrra said:
On 8/28/2014 RainCityGirl said:

My father was my lifelong hero. What didn't he teach me? He taught me everything by example. Honor your commitments and keep your word. Love, kindness, and respect for animals. Think for yourself. Don't fight windmills. Love is unconditional. Generosity and kindness are essential. Compassion for those who are in trouble and in need. Champion of the underdog. Skills in home repair. Creative thinking. Logical debate. Love is eternal. Loyalty and forgiveness. Responsibility and accountability. Work ethic. Humor.

What a wonderful post about your Dad. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

Thank you, Opurra. He passed away at 79, much too soon. I am noticing people posting whose parents lived into their 90's. What I wouldn't have given to have my dad healthy and alive at least through his 80's. But that was not to be. Here's to all the daughters whose paternal heroes are no longer with them. May we all meet them again some day.

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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

It is so wonderful to read all these stories of how wonderful your Dad was or is in your life. My Dad also was the best Dad and husband any family could ever have. He taught us so much to prepare us for lives. But my heart breaks for the ones whose Dads were either mean to you or who didn't want to be in your life. I am so sorry that you had to grow up in a home like that I can't even imagine having a childhood like that. Our whole life our Dad was the man we could talk to about any thing and I do mean anything. He helped us build our homes when we got married, showed us how to use power tools, just every thing a Dad is supposed to be was our Dad. When he was 70 we found out he had cancer and he was gone in less then 2 years our hero now is the angel who watches over us. There is not a day that when I am doing some thing that I don't utter the words "what do you think I should do Dad?' Somehow he still gives me advice and he has been gone 29 years. He would be 100 years old now and I hope he and my Mom are doing ballroom dancing up there in heaven he loved to sing and dance with Mom and us kids. They would polka all around our kitchen and taught us kids to dance. Wonderful memories of a great Dad. I suppose we would have seen a different side of my Dad if we ever did any thing wrong and he had to come to the police station to get us. Bet the roof would have come off the house lucky that never happened. He would have been so upset and we would have gotten a sermon of "where did I go wrong?" " I took you to church, taught you to be honest and kind etc", Yes we would have received a real speech from him.

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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

Learned how to drive, paint and write checks. He couldn't handle confrontation of any type so I ended up being his spokesperson all through his life.
We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

My dear sweet (deceased) Dad was very kind to animals and taught me when I was young to be like him.

He also taught me how to have a sense of humor about life.

I lost him when I was 19 years old. I still miss him everyday.

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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

I've thought about this question a lot. My list was a mile long. I spent the morning with daddy and realized that what he taught me was LOVE. Every debate, every camping trip, every meal, every disagreement, every shopping trip, every walk, every sermon, every school or sports activity, every step taken was because of love. My dad taught me love. Everything else happens because of it. Thank you dad! {#emotions_dlg.wub} I am me because of you!

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

On 8/30/2014 Preds said:

I've thought about this question a lot. My list was a mile long. I spent the morning with daddy and realized that what he taught me was LOVE. Every debate, every camping trip, every meal, every disagreement, every shopping trip, every walk, every sermon, every school or sports activity, every step taken was because of love. My dad taught me love. Everything else happens because of it. Thank you dad! {#emotions_dlg.wub} I am me because of you!


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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

I learned fear, distrust, that I was worth nothing and not capable of accomplishing anything worthwhile. He taught me racial slurs, prejudice, foul language, how to be invisible, and mostly hatred......of him! If I remained invisible, the belt didn't came out of the drawer. I cannot ever remember him hugging me, or telling me he loved me.

Oh, and he taught me what kind of man NOT to marry, and how not to raise children, so I suppose he was good for something.

When he died, I felt nothing at all.

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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

Townsend ... He taught you how to survive in a world that he only knew. He did it in a wrong way, but maybe because that's the way he was raised and didn't know any better. My mother and DH were raised that way. Your pain is real and still there. You have to remember that for the rest of your life, but you have to move ahead because of it.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What Did Your Father Teach or Impart to You During Your Childhood?

Preds.......Yes, if nothing else, he taught me now to survive, and I have in spite of the pain, which can still rear it's ugly head sometimes. I definitely moved on and hopefully did a better job than how I was raised. Now that my life is on the downturn in years, I look back and sometimes wonder how I managed to end up as well as I actually have. My adult life was and has been pretty darned good in spite of the childhood.

I finally got a pretty good idea of how my father was raised, and I don't think it was pretty. This was due to my Grandmother, his Mother, that I avoided at all cost when growing up. I think he gained his parenting skills from her. In fact, I'm certain he did. So, as the saying goes, "what comes around,", etc., etc. Although, I made darned sure it ended with me!

Fortunately, I had no brothers or sisters to share in the fun. I have become fiercely independent, and left the situation when I was eighteen. I never looked back.

Wish I'd had YOUR father, Preds! Delightful post about him....what a sweetheart of a man and lucky you!!