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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

Knowing that Christmas was coming and I would be eating 2 different flavors of cheesy potatoes and would be indulging in Christmas cookies, I made sure that my blood was drawn (cholesterol test) LAST Friday, lol.

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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

We've been enjoying our Mrs. Prindable's apples and Harry London chocolates that we ordered from the Q. We also been munching on the homemade cookies that I have made over the last few days: oatmeal, decorated sugar, and pecan jelly thumbprints.

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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

Hi Bird.   I cancelled my appt for my blood work..   Pretty sure it would have been off the charts.   I'll worry about it in a few weeks.   My diet has pretty much consisted of sweets... Two more days and I will get back to veggies and fish.   I have been very good at doing my workouts though.   Four miles every day on the treadmill....

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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

The list of Christmas baking I do is on the Recipe forum, and the last pan of Cranberry Bliss Bars are in the oven as I type.  So far this week, I have eaten two of the cranberry bars and one Viennese Crescent (I call it "Quality Control" Woman Embarassed).  I won't touch the Linzers or fruitcake until Christmas Day.  


Christmas Eve is our traditional family Christmas dinner, and I have high hopes for our dessert -- Gingerbread and Lemon Curd Trifle with Blackberry Sauce.  If I say so myself, it is beautiful in the trifle bowl.  I hope it tastes as good as it looks.



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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

[ Edited ]

I'm pretty food-picky, but one neighbor usually sends one of those tins of Royal Dansk Danish Butter Cookies over, with my husband.   (They're always sealed up so I have a good comfort level)  Seems silly as they're really no big deal, but I LOVE them!


It also seems like the tins have gotten smaller this year.  I'm not sure, as I don't have the tin from last year, but it seems like they shaved off a layer or two.  Oh well.  I don't need to be eating qrap like that, anyway, but I try to keep it to a minimum, per day, consumption.  Smiley Happy

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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

I've sampled a few of my homemade Christmas cookies.  I'm fussy and eat only my cookies.

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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

Sweets are good, but I love the gifts of wine and cognac.  There is nothing better than cognac with dark chocolate.  If you don't have any dark chocolate, just have the cognac. It makes Christmas much easier to handle. 😃

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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

At Christmas time only we buy a 2 lb box of See's Chocolates.  My favorite is the chocolate covered cherries and the orange creams.


I'm really good about making them stretch though.  I only allow myself to indulge in one or two pieces every few weeks.  This past June I still had a few pieces left over from our purchase of them last Christmas.  


I just keep them out of the heat and they don't seem to lose any of their quality.  They are expensive but I would rather have a few pieces of a good chocolate than a larger amount of a lesser brand. 

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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?

[ Edited ]


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Re: What Christmas Goodies Have You Been Enjoying?



Trader Joe's makes an incredibly delicious Panettone.