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Re: We had a very close call today

@IamMrsG wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

IamMrsG, I appreciate and respect your intent.  However, those are not my beliefs.  I do agree we should be "good stewards," however we have not been, and to me that is obvious.  I do not believe as your Bible quote says that "man has dominion over all the earth."  I am assuming that we can respectfully disagree on this point.


We can definitely respectfully disagree and remain friendly.  


We agree on one other aspect I did not touch on.  We are miserably failing our stewardship and will pay the price for it.

Indeed we are and we are already paying the price for it.  Until that is recognized, seriously, by TPTB, I am afraid for our children and grandchildren and their progeny going forward.  I believe all folks nearing the end of their lives have always feared for the future of their children, but it is far more evident now than ever before.  We are so shortsighted . . . it is amazing to me that our priorities are so upside down.

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Re: We had a very close call today

@Bird mama, ITA. Around me, the whole area is being developed. Every where you turn they are digging and building. All I can think is we are destroying all of nature to build more stores we don't need. This area has loads of stores and is pretty saturated already. It is really a shame. I feel bad for the animals, we are destroying their homes, leaving them no place to go.
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Re: We had a very close call today

Lots of deer around here also. Lots of deer hunters, too, though.

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Re: We had a very close call today

I'll just add my two cents worth here. Living in rural Ohio, the deer population is quite large. In many of the areas we travel to get to jobs and shopping, the deer population is very thick. My husband has hit at least three deer and I have hit two, just in the last decade. And that doesn't begin to tell the near misses that happen, (especially to him as he is a night worker), to us on a regular basis.


Now that my son is driving, it really frightens me. They most often come across fields or out of the woods, and there is rarely any time to see or react, especially when dark. Dusk and dawn are the worst times for their running, but even in the middle of the day, they will shoot across the road, in large groups of as many as 7 or 10.


The nearest city of any size (50,000) is no safe zone either. There are many parks and farms near the city, and the deer will run right through a neighborhood on occasion.


When we first moved here, it wasn't unusual to wake up in the morning to see 5 or 6 deer in the yard. They are wonderful to watch, but when we meet at high speeds on the roads, no one wins.


Additional hunting days are often added in areas that have a larger population, and many people are hunting, taking what meat they can use, and donating the rest to food pantries. 


I'm a firm believer in culling the herds, and using the meat for pantries, as, if you've ever watched sick or starving wildlife suffer and die, you'd step up and agree to participate in the culling. It is so much more humane, and leads to the saving of human lives as well. Many of the deer's natural predators are gone from this area, and when they overpopulate, the suffer from disease and starvation.


I don't condone people killing deer because the eat their landscaping or plants or trees. We have battled that in other ways, many very natural ways, and it works. What is harder to control is the roadways. When the deer population is so high in areas that people are dying on highways because of the overpopulation, something needs to happen. 

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Re: We had a very close call today

I live in the boonies of southern WV, and it is a given that when I leave my driveway going anywhere, I will see deer. They are everywhere here, and they are a nuisance. My entire family does our best to keep them out of our yard by popping them in the rear with a pellet gun. The pellet stings, but does not penetrate the hide, and once popped, they are leary of that particular area, so we don't have many repeat offenders. Between bow and gun season, WV hunters take out between 55,000 - 58,000 deer statewide, every year, which is not even a dent in the state population. Even local conservation officers who deal with our complaints about deer damage, and numerous requests for permission to kill nuisance deer, admit to a gross underestimate of the deer population in this state. The overpopulation comes from the fact our hunting season has restrictions with killing a doe. Every so many years, hunters can buy an extra stamp to kill a doe in their designated county, but I think this needs to happen more frequently, such as every other year in order to greatly reduce the doe population. Last year was a good one for deer as far as food supply, but in those years when the food supply is poor, we see a large amount of wasting in the population, which means the deer cannot find enough to eat, become sickly, and die. Hungry deer travel into neighborhoods they normally would not, in an effort to find food. No one wants sick deer in their neighborhood, or to find a dead deer in their yard where they dropped while passing thru. Culling the deer population needs to happen for several different reasons; one of which is to protect the health of these animals.
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Re: We had a very close call today

@IamMrsG wrote:

LilacTree wrote in part:  " Human beings do not have the right to everything on earth, in it, and on it, and all of its inhabitants and resources, to use for just our purposes.  We are destroying it in the process.  Just think about it."

 We disagree a little on this, and it will be complicated for me to explain my point without bringing religion into it.  I hope it is within QVC's boundaries to refer you to Genesis 1:26 for my reasoning that man does have dominion over all of earth.  That said, though, I certainly agree that as the ones at the top of the chain, we have responsibility to be good stewards of such.


"To whom much is given..." much is expected.......


I couldn't agree more with your post.  

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Re: We had a very close call today

[ Edited ]

Yes we should kill all animals that are doing what they've done long before we humans invaded their space.  Smiley Sad

Seriously, people should learn to live with wildlife since we are moving into their space. It makes me ill people want to kill animals because people choose to live in areas were wild animals live.


I should have never read this thread but I had no idea what it would be about. It makes me sick and sad. The world does not revolve around humans and God wants us to protect and cherish all life on earth, not just human life.  


Smiley Sad


ETA: I forgot to add, something people often don't understand is that it isn't even necessarily that there is a huge deer population but with all our building, we've created these "greenbelts" and "wildlife islands" that are surrounded by neighborhoods which removes the habitat/wildlife corrider many mobile species use to move from area to area, an especially important thing during mating season. It is called habitat fragmentation. If we would leave at least a small corrider connecting one greenbelt to another, this helps to prevent many animals going through neighborhoods or running across roadways. It is a simple step that has proven to be very successful but we refuse to do that because we must develop every inch of ground we can get our hands on then get mad at the animals when the strong desire to mate pulls them to another area that requires crossing "human" populated areas.

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Re: We had a very close call today

We have over a million deer here in Pa. Add to that, most doe have one or two fawns a year. 


I don't like hunting but many here do, and I do understand the need and reason.

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Re: We had a very close call today

@HappyDaze wrote:

Yes we should kill all animals that are doing what they've done long before we humans invaded their space.  Smiley Sad

Seriously, people should learn to live with wildlife since we are moving into their space. It makes me ill people want to kill animals because people choose to live in areas were wild animals live.


I should have never read this thread but I had no idea what it would be about. It makes me sick and sad. The world does not revolve around humans and God wants us to protect and cherish all life on earth, not just human life.  


Smiley Sad


ETA: I forgot to add, something people often don't understand is that it isn't even necessarily that there is a huge deer population but with all our building, we've created these "greenbelts" and "wildlife islands" that are surrounded by neighborhoods which removes the habitat/wildlife corrider many mobile species use to move from area to area, an especially important thing during mating season. It is called habitat fragmentation. If we would leave at least a small corrider connecting one greenbelt to another, this helps to prevent many animals going through neighborhoods or running across roadways. It is a simple step that has proven to be very successful but we refuse to do that because we must develop every inch of ground we can get our hands on then get mad at the animals when the strong desire to mate pulls them to another area that requires crossing "human" populated areas.



So, you would prefer that when there is more deer than food, that the deer die a slow, painful death of starvation, instead of a hunter, shooting a deer.


Which is more humane to the animal?





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Re: We had a very close call today

I'm surrounded by greenbelts. It doesn't help the road problems. It does give the animals a place to live, but the road situation is still very bad