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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

I don't know why he should have mentioned the subject of the film. He thanked the appropriate people involved in the making of the film. Cate Blanchett did not mention the subject of her film either just thanked the people involved and the viewers who went to see it. I still couldn't tell you what either movie was about.
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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

On 3/3/2014 JJsMom said:

I liked that Jared Leto paid tribute to victims of AIDS.

Lupita's quote was the best of the night: "No matter where you're from, your dreams are valid."

I agree and Lupita is a wonderful young woman and a real role model for young women... I saw her interviewed this morning and I really hope we see a lot more of her in films.
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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

On 3/3/2014 KathyPet said: I don't know why he should have mentioned the subject of the film. He thanked the appropriate people involved in the making of the film. Cate Blanchett did not mention the subject of her film either just thanked the people involved and the viewers who went to see it. I still couldn't tell you what either movie was about.

Because the story was based on a real person who had AIDS (Ron Woodroof) who tried to help others with AIDS. It just seems like he would at least mention the real person it was based on and/or his cause.

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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

On 3/3/2014 serenity4ever said:

I agree and Lupita is a wonderful young woman and a real role model for young women... I saw her interviewed this morning and I really hope we see a lot more of her in films.

I heard she was a recent college grad when she landed this role and it was her first acting job. If so, that is truly amazing.

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. ~ Desmond Tutu
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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

I think he was swelling with emotion. As he went up to the stage to receive the Oscar, I noticed that he placed his hands in a "thankful" position, and I wondered if he was giving thanks to a higher deity. Among those he thanked was God. In my opinion, he was fully sober but full of feelings of gratitude, joy and sentiment of the past and those he loved who are gone. Beautiful acceptance speech in my book.

[Lupita's speech was moving and infinitely gracious, I agree. I loved her choice of words, thoughts and accent.]

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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

I loved MM in A Time to Kill. I can't explain it but now he skeeves me out.

Last night wasn't the first time he rambled in an acceptance speech.

OT I thought his dinner jacket looked small on him. I noticed this too small look on a number of men.

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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

He looked fine to me.

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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

On 3/3/2014 PinkSugar said:

He looked fine to me.

me too

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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

I think Matthew was overwhelmed with emotion. But I think his speech was wonderful despite the emotion. Congrats Matthew.

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Re: Was Matthew McConaughy just really nervous or...

On 3/3/2014 MomOf4 said:

I think Harrison Ford was imbibing but not Matthew.

I agree! Harrison was a mess. I think that Matthew spoke from the heart. He was just overcome with emotion.