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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

yes, knew about this about a year ago. The RiteAid in our town has finished its conversion to Walgreens. They don't accept the Wellness card anymore for purchases. There is still a RiteAid in the town next to me. Will be going there if I don't like Walgreens. We get our Rx's filled at our local hospital so we don't have a problem with the change over.

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

We still have Rite Aids in this part of PA.  However, I go there only as a last resort.  The stores are older and haven't been updated.  More importantly, their parking areas are unvariably small and hazardous.

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

 I went back to  the old Rite Aid in Wv near me  that had the  small nail clippers  with the old Rite aid label on them for $1.49 . The cashier said I could use my old Rite aid points  as I was in their system -  my Rite aid points  gave me a 75 cent discount  which reduced the price of the clippers to 74 cents.  Am glade I went back  and  very glade they let me use my Rite aid points.

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

The only Rite Aid I still see in town is in fact still Rite Aid.  I haven't been in the store in years and years.  The prices in Rite Aid are crazy high.

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

I live in northern NJ. We have Walgreens and Rite Aid. The stores are not in the same areas. 

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

[ Edited ]

@ValuSkr wrote:

We still have Rite Aids in this part of PA.  However, I go there only as a last resort.  The stores are older and haven't been updated.  More importantly, their parking areas are unvariably small and hazardous.


The two Rite Aids that I know of are still there, and still Rite Aids.  No change at all in those stores.


I actually don't like Rite Aid because their prices are higher than Walgreen's and CVS.  All three are over-priced, IMO, but Rite Aid's prices are so over the top that I have often walked out rather than pay those prices for the items I needed. 

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

I’m quite frankly surprised that Rite Aid is even still around. They’ve been horribly managed and on the brink of bankruptcy more than once. I managed my company’s exposure to all of the major drug chains when I was working and Rite Aid always scared me.

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

Rite Aid near me just completed the transition to Walgreens.  I took advantage of the Rite Aid merchandise that had deep discounts and got some bargains.

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Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

The Rite Aid here has been a dump for many years. Not sure how it stays open. I never shop there.
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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Walgreens aquiring Rite Aid

[ Edited ]

We have one the sits on a corner near me.  It's been there for years and is doing pretty well.  I don't care for Walgreens, so I hope it will still be there under the Rite Aid name. The nearest Walgreen to that is about 3 miles away.  Nearly all drug stores no matter what the name, sits on a corner.