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back in April had Corona too.


How he kept that a secret is anybody's guess.

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Probably got it from or gave it to his father.


I don't understand the reasoning for keeping it secret.

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@CelticCrafter. He didn't wear a mask during his outings for quite a while after the pandemic started (I saw photos) so not sure how he contracted it
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According to the news, in England they can manage to keep things secret.


Maybe since he thought Covid was over-hyped by the media, he decided to keep quiet when he had it.  

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The article that I read said that he kept it quiet because he didn't want to worry people. I wonder if he told hsi staff and those who were around him. The whole point of letting people know that you have Covid 19 is for tracking so that they can be tested. Lord knows how many people he came in contact with while he was infectious. If his father didn't keep his positive status a secret. I think William was not very responsible. 

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This is why I always think citing sources is important, which I wish OP had done. Now that I tried to find the source of this info on the net, I see that media reporting it are citing The Sun as their source, often referred to as tabloid. The source is not Buckinham Palace which or any other official royal source (that I could find anyway).
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Having had no contact with him, none of this matters one whit to me whether it was a secret or not.  

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Good morning America is where I watched it this morning

You must not get up early

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(CNN)   Prince William, second-in-line to the British throne, tested positive for coronavirus earlier this year, according to the BBC, citing palace sources.

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@Pearlee   So true, all reports be it the BBC, NBC, CBS, etc. are based only on the reports by The Sun.