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@cater wrote:

ShowMe I watched your team win last night and was so happy that they won. You have been their number one cheer leader. I have to admit it is fun to read on here when you get get ticked off about something happening with them.You are a champ in their corner. Hope you had a good day today. Get ready for your sisters visit hope you two have a nice time together. 


@cater....that was really some game.  Here's hoping they will win again tonight when playing the Nationals.  You bet I get ticked off sometimes, and it may even happen tonight....but you gotta love those men.  


Yes, getting ready for Sis to come.  Have several things planned, and yes, we may even be watching some games then too.....


Hope you will be watching tonight's game too.  Starts at 7:08 Central time, and will be on TBS again.  So, no excusses, ya hear????

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@viva923 wrote:

hey all

DD finally called. Son in law is at home. Heart doctor said hole in belly was much smaller than anticipated so less repair needed to be done. He has a drainage tube in belly for a minimum of 4 weeks or longer. He is super sore tonight. This is all connected to the open heart surg he had done last year.


we lost power about 8ish tonight, finally got it back at 1030pm tonight.


am exhausted but have 2 loads of clothes to wash. Was in middle of 1st load when we lost power so have to get that load done and into dryer before I go to bed.


ok guys see all tomorrow


@viva923....glad you heard from your DD.  Bet she doesn't even remember how upset she was.  Hard to believe he is home that soon.  Can't imagine the pain and all the tubes, etc. he has to have.  Still praying.....


It's awful when you lose power and you have the washer running.  Hope you didn't have to wait too long for it to go back on.....



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[ Edited ]

@Cakers3 wrote:

Image result for friday autumn gif



Windy this morning-felt cooler temps, too.  Not much planned today.


@viva923   Glad your SIL is home.  Hope the recovery is easy.


@ShowMeI'm betting you are really looking forward to the visit from your sister. 


I hope everyone will have a good day and blessings to all.Heart


@Cakers3.....Thanks for the beautiful picture.  That's what will be happening here soon. 


Sis said it was quite chilly down in SA too.  Was cold here this morning....and still is.  Temps are supposed to be dropping all afternoon, and cold tonight.  Have the furnace on now.


Yes, getting things ready for when sis gets here.  It's been a few years now since we have been together.  Waiting for just before she gets here to put the new coverlet and shams on that bed because of Mr. Lucky getting up on the bed, and don't want to have get his hair off of it.  Am anxious to see it on the bed.  It is the TSV I bought on the Q a while back.  It is so pretty.


Hopre you are having a good day, and Blessings to you too.



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My 76 year old husband is subbing at the middle school today, so I'm own my own. I called my sister and we gabbed until noon, I ate lunch and have been on my lap top since. My husband will be home around 4pm so I better get with it and look busy.LOL

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@viva923 wrote:

hello all

facial is done, oh wow delightful. Had my face dermaplaned. A fancy word for shaved. Whole face was shaved.  Smooth and sleek and face is glowing.


dh took my MAC computer in for the OS update. Apple store did the update,took over 3 hours. We operate a G drive all time MAC computer is on. Since we had the g drive running it installed all my programs along with the new OS update. Plug it in and ready to use. Ah so nice.


as soon as dh and grand son get home (all kids around the state — public schools— all had off today inserve) anyway, they are on their way home from apple store we will be bringing home grandson to his daddy (he is at home recouping), daddy wants to see his son badly. Then dh and i are going down to the Dover mall for some scrubs. Love those for cleaning around the house, walking, even wear them to doc’s appoint’s are comfortable and easy to care for. Also going to get me a few more nice tops to go with my new slacks.


ok guys will check in later.


@viva923....Have never heard of that kind of procedure being done.  Your DH will love rubbing your cheeks, and will have to wear non-glare glasses when he looks at you.


Sounds like you will be having a busy afternoon and evening.....have fun shopping.  

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@blackhole99 wrote:

My 76 year old husband is subbing at the middle school today, so I'm own my own. I called my sister and we gabbed until noon, I ate lunch and have been on my lap top since. My husband will be home around 4pm so I better get with it and look busy.LOL



@blackhole99.....sounds like you are enjoying your time at home alone.  Hope you are having a great afternoon.  You still have a few hours left before DH gets home....but do hope you will have all your chores done and that you are looking busy when he gets home....LOL

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[ Edited ]

Don't know where this day has gone, but soon it will be  early evening.....  It is quite chilly here today.,,,,currently it is 46.  Temps are dropping now, and supposed to be down to about 35 tonight.  Way too cold for baseball....


Have been busy today.  Got my morning chores done, and got my grocery order in, and delivered....all put away.  Have a few more things I want to get done before fixing my dinner before the game starts.


Will be watching tonight's game.  It is going to be mighty chilly down on the field tonight.  They are playing here.  Imagine a lot of fans will have their warm jackets on.  Hope there are a lot of RED ones.....  If anyone is interested and wants to join in on the fun, they will be televising starting at 7:08 pm Cental time, and will be shown on TBS...not their regular channel, but on one of their other channels.....  Am sure you can find it.  Tomorrow's game will also be here in St. Louis.  Here hoping the CARDINALS WIN.....   Tomorrow's game is a mid-afternoon game.  Will let you all know time and televising time when I know.  


Here's hoping that you all have a wonderful rest of your afternoon.  



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[ Edited ]

Forgot to tell you all....did manage to get my vac out and got the hall, dinning room and some of the living room carpeting done.  Did it all without having to stop and rest.  It turned out looking so nice and clean.  I put the suction on next to low, this was because it was set on next to high....why I don't know....  Anyhow, could see the vac marks on the capet when finished.  Looked good.

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Good luck with the game!  Hope they win for you.


All is quiet out here in the woods.  Have Fall chores planed for the weekend, pruning and such.


The dogs had a good walk, the weather is a bit cooler, with the coolers temps there is a little more spring in their step, fun to see.


Please give Mr Lucky a pat for me.  


Best to you.





"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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I'm ready and waiting....  The current temp is will continue to drop.