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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

You know. I'm not usually a party pooper, but I don't like practical jokes. That was funny but I just didn't like it. I saw it on television before this thread.

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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

Okay...that was entertaining {#emotions_dlg.laugh} Funny thing is, that promo is probably better than the actual movie!

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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

They showed the video yesterday on The View.

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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

The baby was bad enough but when the baby started vomiting, that was it for me {#emotions_dlg.w00t}

Hahahahaha they all looked so funny!

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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

Thank was so funny, I've been home from work this week with the flu, and this made my day. I laughed so hard it turned into a coughing spell. The funniest part to me was watching the stroller in and out of traffic and no did anything, gotta love New Yorkers.

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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

That is creepy but I gotta admit really funny. Some very good reactions from the poor victims. I told my husband these people would probably all be afraid to help any real babies now though.
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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

I saw it on tv too and got a great laugh out of it!

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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

From the article:

‘Devil Baby’ was also seen flipping the bird to an NYPD cruiser!

My question is: did Devil Baby get arrested for that? {}

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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

I saw this numerous times on tv. The peoples reactions were funny but the baby creepy horrible, reminded me OF the devil which made me sick. Guess Im getting old? lol

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: Video devil baby scares New Yorkers-Video for new movie

It has been on the internet for about 3 days.