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Registered: ‎03-27-2012

These don't fall under the heading of pet peeves but are just a couple of things I heard this morning.


One host said that something was "hoppening" rather than "happening." I think that's just an accent since I've noticed her pronouncing other things differently too. 


The other was an accidental word combination. The word came out as "viligent," which I assume is a combo of "diligent" and "vigilant." Of course if I was talking for hours on end I'd probably come up with some interesting words too! 



Regular Contributor
Posts: 158
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I don't care how someone pronounces a word.  I am not an English teacher and I know I don't pronounce words correctly and probably for that matter, I probably don't use the correct form of speech.  As long as I know what the person is saying to me, who cares?