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@Sooner wrote:

I simply don't understand the allure of seeing someone take something out of a box.



LOL ... neither do I.  Never heard of "unboxing" before reading this thread, but clearly this is what passes for entertainment for some people.   

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Making fun of myself a little here.


So, I did a little shopping lately, none of it from QVC.  Turns out that all but one of the boxes is being delivered today.  Well, ok then. 


Want me to take video of me opening the boxes and post it here?

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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I sometimes watch unboxing videos for several product lines I like. Nothing to do with qvc, however. It gives me a chance to see a product before buying. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I’ve heard of unboxing, by beauty influencers.  I had to look up one of Amy’s on google, I’m not on Facebook,  but could watch it.  

It is her purchases.  At first I thought maybe it was her vendor samples.  The one I watched was diamonique, peace world love and tweaked.  

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unbox (verb) · unboxes (third person present) · unboxed (past tense) · unboxed (past participle) · unboxing (present participle) · un-box (verb) · un-boxes (third person present) · un-boxed (past tense) · un-boxed (past participle) · un-boxing (present participle)
  1. remove (something, especially a newly purchased product) from a box or other packaging:
    "my wife hasn't even unboxed her new phone—it's been 20 hours since it arrived!" · "she wandered among the stalls and watched the produce being unboxed"

    The first known use of unbox was circa 1611




    @rms1954 enjoy all of your purchases.....and never let anyone rain on your parade.....or your boxes. Smiley WinkHeart

    so nice to hear GOOD things about QVC on here for a change! 

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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@rms1954 wrote:

@Cakers3 I'm sorry.  Thank you for defending me.  Guess I was just getting very defensive.  When I post something it usually almost always turns out people taking my motives or meaning the wrong way and I just always get so much negativity and judgement.  I get that in real life and I don't like dealing with it here.  This is kind of a fun escape for me.  Yeah I know, one can't take things seriously here.  But we are still people and should at least try not to be hurtul to others.  It's all fun and jest.  I was just trying to have fun.


I appreciate you letting me know I was in error.  I apologize.  It really meant a lot to me that you explained it and I feel better about it now.  


Sad Puppy - I'm sorry Can you forgive me?


Sometimes things are hard to tell how they are meant in written form, you don't hear how a person is saying things and can totally get the meaning wrong.  I am sorry if I ever misunderstood you and criticized.  






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Registered: ‎06-06-2019

@sunshine45 wrote:
unbox (verb) · unboxes (third person present) · unboxed (past tense) · unboxed (past participle) · unboxing (present participle) · un-box (verb) · un-boxes (third person present) · un-boxed (past tense) · un-boxed (past participle) · un-boxing (present participle)
  1. remove (something, especially a newly purchased product) from a box or other packaging:
    "my wife hasn't even unboxed her new phone—it's been 20 hours since it arrived!" · "she wandered among the stalls and watched the produce being unboxed"

    The first known use of unbox was circa 1611




    @rms1954 enjoy all of your purchases.....and never let anyone rain on your parade.....or your boxes. Smiley WinkHeart

    so nice to hear GOOD things about QVC on here for a change! 

Thanks Smiley Happy