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@ID2 wrote:

I feel you should be grateful that the driver indicated where he left your package. I surely don't find this unbelievable and bad. You got your package.

Yeah, but he announced to everyone who passed by where he left it.  She was lucky someone did not get to it before she did.

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@Lindsays Grandma wrote:

@chickenbutt wrote:

It must be the week for it!   Earlier this week I had one from USPS NOT delivered as it was scanned 'animal interference' (a lie).   Odd how, since the letter carrier did come up to my house and deliver my neighbor's mail into my mailbox.   Yet, apparently, a herd of animals showed up precluding delivery of any of MY mail, not to mention my pkg (got it the next day).


Yesterday I had a UPS paracel delivered and it was scanned 'Met Customer Boy'.   Huh?   It was dropped on my porch.  There were no humans or animals out there.  Just a UPS guy dropping the parcel.

Talk about weird, you sure have some strange delivery people, it's a wonder you even get your packages delivered.  Woman Surprised Woman LOL


Yeah, really!  I miss the day when we had our own route drivers for both USPS and UPS.   Now it's a krap shoot.   


I actually do wish I could talk to some of these folks with the bizarro world scans so I could ask them why.  Not as an attack.  I'm just weirdly curious as to how and why they came up with those things.

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@Mary Bailey

I got that message too. Left in mail room. I dont hve a mail room. I was looking all over the place for it. Turned out it was in my mail box.

Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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I have had 2 boxes removed from my front porch this year.  I had put them on the porch with a small opening in one side and towels for warmth.  Apparently the thieves didn't realize they stole temporary feral cat houses.

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@Carmie wrote:

Oh that is too funny.  What was that guy thinking?


Many years ago, UPS delivered a package of Wolferman's treats to my back deck at Christmas time.  We do not use that deck all winter.


The sender of the gift called to see if I received the package...I told her no.


A day or two later, I noticed my dog, who was begging to be let out, chewing on something on the deck. He chewed a hole into the cardboard box and ate a pack of muffins that were frozen stiff.  That box must have been under a bench on the deck for about a week. There was snow on my deck a foot high and no human foot prints through it.


That is the first time anyone has ever walked into my back yard, climbed up the steps to my deck and left a package hidden under a bench so it couldn't be seen.


I think they must hire a lot of temporary employees who are missing a few marbles for the holiday deliveries.

@Carmie . I'm sorry I'm laughing imagining the dog enjoying the surprise package of muffins. ...though it's really not funny.