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UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

I am sooooo burnt out and have no leave time left, some days I wish I could just walk away from it all. *sighs* {#emotions_dlg.crying}

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Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

How old are you?? Maybe you can just walk away.... find some part time work and enjoy life until you retire??? Nothing worse than hating your place of work for 8 hours a day. I was in the same boat.... 24 years and starting to hate everyday. Really give thought to how you can deal with this in a positive way.

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Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

If you truly hate your job, why not start looking for something else, or look into getting some education and training in a new area? The best time to get ready for a new opportunity is while you're still able to pay bills from your existing job. Truly, life is too short and too precious to wake up every morning to a job you hate!

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Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

Around here there were/still are 'Seasonal Hiring' banners in almost every store, restaurant window. Sometimes it's a step into a more permanent job, if they like your work ethics, demeanor, etc. Something to ponder, anyway.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!


Occasional Contributor
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎10-07-2014

Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

On 10/20/2014 gazelle77 said:

How old are you?? Maybe you can just walk away.... find some part time work and enjoy life until you retire??? Nothing worse than hating your place of work for 8 hours a day. I was in the same boat.... 24 years and starting to hate everyday. Really give thought to how you can deal with this in a positive way.

I'm only 45. I work at a bank call center, I've been here for 3 years and have to use most of my PTO time to take care of my husband, illness, doctors appts, etc. I get very little time to myself and I'm just mentally and emotionally drained. Some days it take all I have to get out of bed and having Fibromyalgia doesn't help. This job, somedays, is just non-stop and gets so monotonous (sp). I'm sick of the bing-bing in my ear, the people that don't have their acct numbers, the ones who scream at you no matter how nice you are and just the general lack of respect people have overall...tired of the rudeness and short tempers.

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Registered: ‎10-07-2014

Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

On 10/20/2014 GoodStuff said:

If you truly hate your job, why not start looking for something else, or look into getting some education and training in a new area? The best time to get ready for a new opportunity is while you're still able to pay bills from your existing job. Truly, life is too short and too precious to wake up every morning to a job you hate!

I've already started looking for a new job. I would love something back office where I don't have to deal with the general public but that's wishful thinking. I'm looking for a job back in the state I used to live in. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎10-07-2014

Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

On 10/20/2014 ROMARY said:

Around here there were/still are 'Seasonal Hiring' banners in almost every store, restaurant window. Sometimes it's a step into a more permanent job, if they like your work ethics, demeanor, etc. Something to ponder, anyway.

I may have to go that direction until I can find something permanent.

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Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!!

Good luck to you Chatterbox. I truly love my job but as others have said, I work part time and that is wonderful. I wish you well, I know others that hate their job and it seems to be all consuming to them - even when they are off work.

Hope you have better days ahead.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: UGH!!! Sometimes I hate my job!!!!! center work is rough and the burn-out rate is is employee turn-over rates in call centers....the constant complaining from customers....the screamers...yes...there are lots of screamers ...and the general lack of respect is frustrating.....sadly very few people have any real telephone manners these days....we live in a society where so much is done via phone or the internet that the social skills of people are lacking now that they do not have to deal face to face with businesses, clients, customers, etc. I've worked in the call center enviornment both as a rep on the phone and as a manager/'s so hard to keep that smile on our faces when dealing with rude, irate, obnoxious, inept individuals and know that we are not allowed under any circumstance to dish it back to them....I remember an insider desire we used to have where we all wished for 1 day per year where we could talk back to the callers the exact same way they talked to us....but you know that day will never happen.

The only way I kept my sanity during my 6 years working in call centers was to tell myself everyday "They are angry at the situation, not me personally"...but I hear ya gets old...and makes it hard to enjoy the work.

Keep your chin...perhaps something else will come along...meanwhile....make the best out of what you can....think about things you do like in your job...maybe you like your pay, your co-workers, your hours, your boss, time off, training, your company mission, etc.

Edited to add....when I was in the call center employer had an awesome tuition reimbrusement program so I used that to my my college degree and got out of there with good office skills/experience that could be applied anywhere and a college degree in my hand.