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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

I live in an apartment and never get trick or treaters. I bought three bags of candy for my Grandchildren and took it to their home. They are 15, 18 and 19 years old.  Too old to trick or treat but not for candy 🍬.

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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

I bought one bag of “fun size” Snickers and one of Nestles Crunch.  That gave me about 40 individual pieces of candy. I was so ready for an onslaught of fun. My doorbell rang only twice. 


One visit was a group of 6 little kids about 7 years old. Not one said “Trick or Treat”!  They just held up their bags, baskets, pumpkin containers and stood there waiting for me to supply candy!  I complimented  their costumes, making a fuss and trying to keep it goof, and a couple of them said thank you shyly.  OK,  I dutifully supplied candy to each, they each actually said thank you as I dropped in their candy and that was it.  They turned and left like they were on a mission. 


The second couple of kids came a few minutes later. They were sisters both dressed as princesses, cute as heck. I opened the door and these girls just stood there mute, holding out their candy buckets. I will say with satisfaction that both kids said thank you when the candy was surrendered.


Hey, has Halloween become  a shakedown where the kids just ring bell—wait for candy drop—turn and leave? I was kind of amazed that no one is screaming out TRICK OR TREAT anymore. I always found it so cute to see their little acts like they were really asking for the treat or threatening the “trick”. And kids used to love showing off their costumes, giggling if I acted scared or affected. All that’s over?  It wasn’t a terrible lapse or a bummer, just surprising. 


Well anyway, the parents, mostly vigilant moms but a couple of embarrassed looking dads (no one taking any pictures), were hovering   nearby to make sure every child was safe, but not interfering with the kids’ job to work the doorbells and collect candy. I made sure I told every adult how nice the kids’ manners were by hearing thank you from every child receiving candy. Nothing wrong with reinforcing the efforts of parents make to teach their kids basic politeness. They mostly laughed! These were all kids with sweet costumes that looked like there was thought and care, parents there for protection, and a thank you for what they received. It all seemed very perfunctory, but not really all that upbeat. Are my expectations too high, I wonder?


By the way, I gave every kid the choice of Snickers or Crunch (willing to give both, of course), and Crunch won by far. Not one kid asked for both. By 6pm the street was quiet and I kind of knew I’d get no more visits. Lotsa Snickers left for this old lady and enough fun size Crunch to make it a balanced pigout in coming days. lol. Alas, it’s over for another year. Very few kids, loads of candy, some dress up fun, bored parents, but evident good manners instilled. 


I can keep all the good impressions in mind for a month ahead if I just eat one piece of leftover candy a day. Uh huh!

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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

We didn’t have any trick or treaters. We do not live on a through street and we live at the end in a cul de sac. Only one house had on their porch light so we didn’t turn ours on. There are no kids on our street.


It turned cooler with slight rain most of the evening.



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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

What a nice person you are, to give out your change once the candy was gone!! The neighborhood kids will always remember that sweet gesture!!! I love lettting kids be kids and this is the night for it. You are so kind to let them have some fun!! 

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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

It was gorgeous last night where I live, in the 60's. I sat out on my porch and I got around 20. Which isn't bad. I live downtown, not too many kids where I'm at. There were a few people giving out candy. The couple that lives in the apartment next to me also came out with candy.


Most of the kids were young. A lot of toddlers and they were cute, saying trick-or-treat and their parents were telling them to say thank you. I had a few teenagers, and everyone was dressed up. I had chocolate bars and glowsticks. The older kids liked the glowsticks. 


I brought in my leftover candy to work and it's sitting in my candy dishes at my desk. 

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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

@sissel wrote:

Read somewhere they are thinking of making Halloween the last Saturday of the month because the kids have no school the next day & it will be easier for the parents to walk around with their kids. Makes sense to me. 



I wouldn't want to give up a Saturday evening to man the door waiting for trick or treaters.....


Does that make me a b****? Woman LOL

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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

It was in the high 60’s here, so we were expecting tons of trick or treaters. It was a bust! We figure we only got about 30 kids last night. Most years we get between 60 and 70. Bummer!

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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

[ Edited ]

@Its Me LuLuBelle2 wrote:

No kids for us.  There never are.  We're on a small private road (only one car can get thru at a time) and it dead ends with no good place to turn around.  We have no street lights.  We have our house all lit up in hopes of seeing little ones, year after year, and our neighbors NEVER put outdoor lights on.  We buy good, full size chocolate bars of every variety year after year in the hopes someone will come, and they never do, so alas, I have to eat it.  Stinks to be me - LOL!  Happy Halloween.


@Its Me LuLuBelle2  We were in that situation - not regarding your street per se - but no trick or treaters for years.  We almost stopped buying candy.  Husband picked up some on a whim yesterday.  Good thing he did.  For the first time in about 4 years we had 8 at the door.  They were all cute and very polite too.


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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

Trick or Treating was moved to Tuesday in my town because of the forecast calling for rain all day and night on Halloween. And it did rain all day and night and it is still is raining this Thursday morning. (LOL)

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Re: Trick or Treating out of my house and home

We had a few kids come to my door, but not as many as we’ve had over the years.  My husband tends to go bananas with the outside decorating so we’ll hear kids commenting on how they’ve been wanting to come to our door to check everything out. He didn’t do much decorating this year though, so maybe that’s why we didn’t get a lot of kids, I don’t know. My two old dogs LOVE Halloween. They have their own costumes and they practically prance once those dog shirts go on. And they LOVE to see the little kids too, their bottoms shake, tails wagging like crazy until my husband gives them the okay to come see the kids. The kids almost always ask if they can see and pet my dogs and my dogs are in heaven getting pets and snuggles from little kids. I felt a little bad for my for dogs though, and my husband. They all waited so diligently for the kids and my dogs looked a little defeated when their costumes came off.