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Looking at the news today reaffirms my belief that Florida should make this form of housing in their state illegal.  Any tropical storm, not to mention tornado or hurricane, make these a dangerous housing option.

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I guess it would sort of be the same for people to build wooden homes in a high-fire prone region...but people do it anyway despite the warnings. Here in Colorado there are building regulations for mobile homes and they have to secure to the ground with no air space under them. They get blown away with the high winds we have around here. But people still choose to live in them.

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I think making mobile homes "illegal" is un-American. There are many, I'm guessing, whose housing options are limited by space or finances. I think that would be horrible to prevent people from living in these! And I doubt any such law would stand a snowball's chance of being passed!

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You also have a large population of elderly in Fla. who have chosen to make it their home in their retirement years.


While I understand concerns to force them to move with limited income or resources is cruel.  What little value those mobiles have would be gone in an instant.

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Makes no sense to me.  For some people that's the only affordable housing option.

You never know where a tornado will hit, so how do you police this situation.

And how about telling people they shouldn't buy boats either because they get tossed around and become a hazard during a storm.  Not gonna happen.

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using that logic...


florida gets 40% of the hurricanes.   why let anyone live there at all?







~~today may be my last.....i choose JOY!~~
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Along the street where I rent, homeowners are stillspending hundreds of thousands to rebuild on the same pieces of land Sandy surged over just a few years ago.  Several will actually have larger, more expensive homes now than they had before Sandy.


I think that will be true some places in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, etc.  No kind of structure is totally safe and I can't think we want to ban the only housing many can afford and then allow the wealthier to build on that land!  Feels unAmerican to me.

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I agree with OP - Government issues building standards for houses and high rise structures - and standards for cars - and standards for how much cement must be used in cement mixture - so why shouldn't there be a state rule/law for trailers to be cemented down and perhaps (the trailer parks) made to allow more space between units?   Some in Florida just slammed up against each other.  It's all about money to pack as many trailers in an acre as they can.

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I live in Tornado Alley & they live in trailers around here. I have never lived in one & will not.

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

I think making mobile homes "illegal" is un-American. There are many, I'm guessing, whose housing options are limited by space or finances. I think that would be horrible to prevent people from living in these! And I doubt any such law would stand a snowball's chance of being passed!



I know of a few towns where it is actually illegal to live in mobile homes. They disallow them by way of the local zoning ordinances. You can't set them up in the residential or commercially zoned areas for use as homes.


It's not a safety issue either. It's a "not in my backyard" kind of values, doncha know?