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On 11/5/2014 Ilovehummingbirds said:
On 11/5/2014 tansy said:

Without her father she never would have starred in a TV show. Warren Buffett is not handing his fortune over to his family.

He did not know that she was trying out for the part on 90210.........she got that on her own..........shame on her family.

You already said in your posts that you don't know much about her yet here you go passing judgment on her family.

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Tori Spelling has a spending problem. She has made PLENTY of money over the last 10 yrs and has not lived with in her means, which BTW were 99% better than the rest of the country.

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Tori should not be exposing her children to their father's bad behavior. I have little to no sympathy for her.

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On 11/5/2014 tansy said:

Tori should not be exposing her children to their father's bad behavior. I have little to no sympathy for her.

It's hard to have sympathy for whiners.

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On 11/5/2014 LizAnne said:
On 11/5/2014 tansy said:

Tori should not be exposing her children to their father's bad behavior. I have little to no sympathy for her.

It's hard to have sympathy for whiners.

Yes, it is. Especially those who complain about money issues but spend outside their means. It's not as if Tori never had any money. She just didn't know how to handle it. I'd be thrilled to inherit $800,000.

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Does anyone ever hear about her brother and where and what he is doing today? I wonder what he did with his $800,000.

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Hello Lindsays Grandma Smiley Happy...............Randy Spelling has a wiki page.........he is married with 2 kids.........and is called an American heir and actor and life coach.........just like Tori, he got his first acting role because of his dad.................
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Aaron Spellings will bequeathed $800,000 outright to each of his two children (Tori and her brother)............... but he also endowed multi-million dollar trusts for both adult kids that are not touchable until Candy Spelling' s death........Aaron left the bulk of his estate to his widow, as most husbands do..........It's likely that Candy will leave sizable sums to both kids, too.....but even if she decides to leave every cent to charities, Tori and her brother will be very very wealthy once the trusts are accessible to them............Aaron Spelling knew his children well............Tori has been pampered all her life and spends money like crazy.........there's a reason her dad structured his will as he did...........anyone who has watched just a few episodes of any one of her several reality series has witnessed her craziness in buying house after house, lavishly renovating and furnishing them, then losing interest in them quickly and moving on to the next one..........same with luxury cars and several exotic vacations annually..........$10,000+ birthday parties for four children every year is a cool $40K+ yearly.....
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Registered: ‎08-31-2014
And though it is Tori's Hollywood folklore that she got her 90210 start on her own, that's laughable to those in the know..........She was Spellings daughter and he got her in the door, over the hundreds of other ingenues who auditioned for the part..........She wanted to be an actress and Dad made it happen just as he did for his son Randy............last, Tori is no longer estranged from Candy so there's no chance Tori and children will ever want for a thing while Candy is still alive (even before the trust kicks in)...........Tori is well-off and independent of any genuine money woes...........don't lose sleep worrying about nonexistent unfairness............
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No matter how much money she came from, none of us is owed an inheritance AND Tori's life is where it is due to her own bad decisions. People divorce all the time but to do so to be with Dean - wow. Then in the midst of all this, she kept having more children.

Its true $800K isn't a lot of money in her world, but once she saw her mother was not subsidizing her lifestyle, she could have adjusted for that. I'm also guessing that Candy would not allow her or her grandchildren to truly suffer and I'm betting would take in Tori and all her kids if she'd dump Dean. The other problem I have with Tori - as a mother of 4 she needs to take better care of herself. Her on/off skeletal issues can't be good for her body and she has 4 kids she'll probably end up raising on her own.