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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

@makena wrote:

This thread explains why those gossip newpapers and magazines at the grocery checkout line do so well.

@makena  So do you read those too, like you are reading this thread?  Hahahahaha You knew from the title what it would contain.   

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

@Ohio Night Owl wrote:

Uh- I  could VERY easily live on 800,000 for the rest of my life!

@Ohio Night Owl  I would think the cost of living in Ohio is considerably cheaper than in California.  Smiley Happy  Just the earthquake insurance alone..... LOL!

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

They must be waiting for Candy to bail them out.

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

[ Edited ]

Dean also owes his ex-wife $100,000 in back child support, yet he bought a $15,000 motorcycle last week.


Candy pays their $9,500 monthly rent, the private school tuition for their kids and buys their food.


If I were her I wouldn't give them a dime for their foolish, lavish spending when they know they're so deep in debt.


There must be a good reason that dear ol' Dad didn't leave them any more $$$ than he did.


And yeah, now Tori says she's open to child #6.....pathetic.

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

I don't know what more Candy is supposed to do for them. 


They'll run through everything eventually...

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

@drizzellla wrote:

I saw a commercial yesterday with Tori talking about  a Physic Hotline. And what a great help the Physic Hotline can be - maybe she should give it a try.



LOL! Wonder why the psychic didn't warn her that her bank account was about to be seized?

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

He was a decent actor before he got involved with all those ridiculous reality shows she wanted to do.  I can't imagine who would hire him now. 


She was always a terrible actress. 

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

[ Edited ]

@truffle wrote:

Candy is worth $600 million.Maybe Tori and her younger brother were "cheated" out of a fair inheritance but those were the terms and if they disputed it they got nothing.  It's hard to live on $800,000 forever while thinking about investing a sizable portion of it too and hoping for a good return for their future. Obviously, they wanted their children to carve out their own life. I think Tori tried with her sitcom (before her reality show) though short-lived but marrying that dude and having so many kids when he was not But I think Tori really tried to make a go of it in the entertainment industry, the only business she knew.




 @truffle  Tori's brother did just fine on his own and the 800 million inheritance... has his own business and is not in financial ruin.   He did not let his small(???) inheritance bring him down.  He is living a good life and pays his bills... not living to excess or in Hollywood limelight.


  Tori seems to blame everything going on on her up bringing  and that her Mother got all the money...BOO HOO... and she says  being spoiled causes her to over spend etc... that is just hogwash!


  She has had books, her own jewelry line, reality TV shows etc. Lots of income.  She just lives BEYOND  her income and then does not pay her bills or the IRS.  That is just criminal.... She certainly made a much better income than 90% of Americans.  For some reason she thinks she deserves more than other people.


 AND THEN she made the mistake of marrying a Man with mental and drug  problems  and cheating problems   who  has never payed any child support  to his one first Son. What a  Loser Dad. I feel sorry for the five children he had with Tori.



.  .




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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

@Bri36 wrote:

He was a decent actor before he got involved with all those ridiculous reality shows she wanted to do.  I can't imagine who would hire him now. 


She was always a terrible actress. 

@Bri36  Yes, those reality TV shows bringing out his unstable mental problems and drug problems black balled him from Hollywood.  No one  would hire him now. But, that is what you get for being a no good father to his first Son not paying any child support, and being a Cheater to both his ex wife and Tori.   Tori does suck at acting You are so right!

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Re: Tori and Dean's Bank Accounts Seized by the Internal Revenue Service

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@truffle wrote:

Candy is worth $600 million.Maybe Tori and her younger brother were "cheated" out of a fair inheritance but those were the terms and if they disputed it they got nothing.  It's hard to live on $800,000 forever while thinking about investing a sizable portion of it too and hoping for a good return for their future. Obviously, they wanted their children to carve out their own life. I think Tori tried with her sitcom (before her reality show) though short-lived but marrying that dude and having so many kids when he was not But I think Tori really tried to make a go of it in the entertainment industry, the only business she knew.




 @truffle  Tori's brother did just fine on his own and the 800 million inheritance... has his own business and is not in financial ruin.   He did not let his small(???) inheritance bring him down.  He is living a good life and pays his bills... not living to excess or in Hollywood limelight.


  Tori seems to blame everything going on on her up bringing  and that her Mother got all the money...BOO HOO... and she says  being spoiled causes her to over spend etc... that is just hogwash!


  She has had books, her own jewelry line, reality TV shows etc. Lots of income.  She just lives BEYOND  her income and then does not pay her bills or the IRS.  That is just criminal.... She certainly made a much better income than 90% of Americans.  For some reason she thinks she deserves more than other people.


 AND THEN she made the mistake of marrying a Man with mental and drug  problems  and cheating problems   who  has never payed any child support  to his one first Son. What a  Loser Dad. I feel sorry for the five children he had with Tori.



.  .




@SeaMaiden  Never?  Yes he owes child support but are you so sure he has never paid any?   Be careful of making such broad statements to make your points.;