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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

Re: Toni's Poodle Skirt

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@Enufstuff That's so great that your husband takes pride in his planting and gardening - I bet you have the best front/back yard and garden in the neighborhood! The smell of fresh cut grass is great- nice and crisp and lingers in the air.  Spring is the best season- not too hot or cold and the bloosoming flowers and lush green trees are so nice. I see little baby birds hopping and flying around and its so cute. 


   My Southwestern dishes were great and a lot of fun to make: I made chicken tortilla soup with chipotle grilled chicken thighs and I took some of the leftover chicken thighs and made a southwestern tex-mex style salad with romaine, corn, black beans, tomatoes, crispy jalapenos, radhishes, cucmbers, ranch and chipotle chicken.  Tonight, we're having chicken burgers and the kale almond apple salad with lemon vinaigrette.  I love lemon on salads too and I really like lemon on canned tuna- whenever I make tuna salad, i always put some lemon in it.  Lemon really brightens things up and brings out flavors.  I love making Greek salad- it is so delicious and nutritious- and it pairs nicely with chicken slouvaki.  Smiley Happy.  


   I did a lovely watercolor of aquatic life/coral reefs as a gift and I forgot to take a photo.  i'm going to start painting postcards or greeting cards to give as little surprises to family members- mini paintings that showcase plants or animals.  I'm thinking of painting a succulent plant that I've had for a few years now or maybe I'll paint some of my cactus plants.  I'm focusing on my aerobics and weightlifting and cooking to boost my mood and have fun. I'm going to make meyer lemon bars this week as a surprise dessert Smiley Happy


    I'm so excited for your kitten skirt and blouse whenever you complete them Smiley Happy! That is so cool that there were other animals featured on skirts in addition to the famous poodles.  Were there ever turtle skirts or bird skirts? So cool! I hope you're having a lot of fun this weekend and that you have a great day! Smiley Very HappyHeart

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@2sisters   Thank you very much.  It is fun to create these little outfits.

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Posts: 2,767
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Toni's Poodle Skirt

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@SportyShorty07   My oldest daughter would love your

Southwestern dishes. Years ago, when she was driving 18 wheeler rigs, cross country, she spent some time in Texas.

She loved the food that she discovered there, and learned to make many of those things herself. I don't even know the names of them.


 She does make her own Tex-Mex creations. She makes her own Guacomole and Salsa, too. I wouldn't like most of those dishes.

I don't eat any hot peppers, anything too spicy and  I don't like cilantro or raw onions.


She says that places like Taco Bell are not authentic Mexican food. There are a few real Mexican restaurants around here that she likes.


Your water color painting of aquatic life a coral reefs must have been beautiful. It makes me think of Bermuda. Could you contact the person you gave it too, and take a picture?


I would love to see some of your mini paintings. When you do them, could you post some pictures here? I'm sure that many here, would enjoy seeing them.


I was thinking a while back, wouldn't it be fun for many of the ladies here to post pictures of their Art and Craft creations.

I'm sure that there would be a lot of interest in seeing what so many talented ladies create.


You asked about other skirt designs like turtles or birds. I was only about 6 or 7 years old when poodles skirts were being worn. So, I never saw any. When I was looking up poodle skirts recently, I saw the other dogs, cats, and some Christmas designs. There could have been many more.


I bet that many creative people made up a lot of different designs. Felt is so easy to work with, to make many varied shapes. I even saw a skirt worn by Queen Elizabeth ( when she was young, before she was queen). The design was Romeo and Juliet, on her skirt.


I'm hoping to post the kitten skirt sometime next week.

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Posts: 3,709
Registered: ‎04-15-2014

@Enufstuff   Your oldest daughter is so cool to drive 18 wheeler rigs across the country- she must be a fearless and accomplished driver! I love to make fuacamaloe and slasa from scratch! I'll have to look at my recipes this week and see if I can dig up some tex mex chili or a chipotle marinade that I make for chicken thighs and when I find them I'll post them for you. Your daughter sounds like a great cook- and I'm sure she learned all of her great cooking skills from you since you're a wonderful cook. I love spicy food, the spicer the better. 


    I made a QVC Arts and Crafts thread I think almost a year ago, but I don;t know how to find it again- I posted some of my watercolors on there. It would be nice for all of QVC's creatives to post their work on a deadicated thread or fourm. I'm looking forward to your kitten skirt sometime next week! I'll paint another coral reef scene for all to see as one of my next mini paintings.   Queen Elizabeth must've been  adorable in her Romeo and Huliet poodle skirt Smiley Happy.  You are so talented in all of your artwork and I like how you have such a vast knowledge of fashion deisgn history and sewing techniques.  Smiley Happy