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Today is National Love is Kind day


National Love is Kind Day is observed on July 27. It is a day to celebrate those who have escaped domestic violence or domestic abuse. We are celebrating freedom from such abusive relationships or situations. Rosie Aiello and Sunny started the day through their organization, The Love is Kind Network, in 2018. The Love is Kind Network is an initiative to spread the message of love and kindness around the world. The day was chosen on July 27 as it is the same day the founders of the day gained freedom from a toxic relationship.


Were you a victim of domestic violence or domestic abuse? Then this is a day to celebrate your freedom. Also, use this freedom to help others who are suffering the same way you did.


I was not aware of this national day until reading this website. I experienced domestic abuse in a prior relationship many many years ago. It took me a long time to realize I was worth more than that but I finally overcame and was able to walk away. Love is kind and not abusive. I am so much better and have learned to enjoy life and love myself. So for anyone out there who has also sustained an abusive relationship and was able to overcome and walk away have a wonderful day  and celebrate knowing that Love IS kind !.  

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Re: Today is National Love is Kind day

What a great message you are sharing, @Goodie2shoes .  I'm so glad life is better for you now-- truly something to celebrate, and indeed, love is kind!

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Re: Today is National Love is Kind day

@Goodie2shoes   Congratulations on your ability to grow and transform your life towards a positive experience.  Your post might be the catalyst to help another seek assistance with their own growth.  Thank you for sharing your light.  

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Re: Today is National Love is Kind day

I would give everything I own just to have you back again.......David Gates of Bread
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Re: Today is National Love is Kind day

If someone loves you they would NEVER raise their hand to you and they would never knowingly cause you suffering. Anyone who believes they have the right to punish their partner has the potential to abuse.


Advice I give to people who are starting to date or are starting back up is: When you're first dating someone, do not commit (definitely don't marry them) until you've both seen each other at your very worst. You need to know how each other reacts when thwarted and irate.


That's the only way to know whether the person can control him or herself under extreme stress. And it takes time for that to happen naturally. (Provoking it deliberately as a sort of test is a very bad idea.) Which is why a very long courtship is generally wise. You have to see the person at their best and worst to know whether a lifetime together is a good idea.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Re: Today is National Love is Kind day

I marvel and applaud your determination and courage.


Sometimes in life you never know how strong you are until that pivotal moment puts you to the test. You changed your life and persevered.


You are an inspiration. May you know nothing but love and kindness from this point on. Bless you. 

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎07-26-2019

Re: Today is National Love is Kind day

To bad that now a days most of these abusers are let out the same or next day .....

 There's a case of a woman who was murdered  because her abuser was let out  so quickly. 

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Posts: 15,910
Registered: ‎01-06-2015

Re: Today is National Love is Kind day

Very important message, so glad you are thriving @Goodie2shoes 

"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"