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Posts: 539
Registered: ‎10-24-2014

Today Is Our Family Christmas

Today is the day. One of the gifts I was going to give my husband was a family  picture. My son in law used to be a professional photographer and he was going to take the picture. It's the only time of the year we are all together. Well my grandson came down with a fever and won't be coming. So there goes the picture. Everyone was going to get dressed up. My poor grandson is so disappointed he can't come. My daughter is going to come alone. My husband had no idea I had planned this. Oh well maybe another time. 

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

I hope you have a nice day in spite of that.  Maybe your son-in-law can take the picture, then digitally add the absent one later.  Seems like a good compromise since everyone gets together rarely.

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Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

Merry Cristmas.  Other than the picture I hope your day goes well.

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Posts: 539
Registered: ‎10-24-2014

Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

My son law is staying home with my grandson so my daughter can come.

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Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

So sorry for your disappointment but, sometimes things happen for a reason which we don't understand at the time it happens ... because you are celebrating the holiday & everyone is all dressed up I think you should take a group family picture anyway .... as someone suggested your son-in-law might be able to take a separate picture of him & your grandson & merge the two pictures into one...... it's worth a try.

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Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

TAKE THE PICTURE!!!  Sad that your grandson is ill - but hope he'll feel better by Christmas and have a wonderful holiday.


I say take the picture anyway - we never know what lies ahead of us. Maybe someone else will be ill when you get another chance - in the saddest of cases, perhaps someone will have left this life before another chance arises. Never miss a chance to make a permanent memory when you have one.


I lost a beloved  family member on Christmas Eve one year, and my Mom died on my birthday, just as we were sitting down to light the candles on my cake and take photos.  TAKE THE PICTURE.  You'll get other chances to take more photos, but take this to celebrate all those who are together this year.

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Posts: 539
Registered: ‎10-24-2014

Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

We did take the picture. I'll see what my son in law can do with it. The appetizers were great. My daughter and I each made 4 and my daughter in laws each brought 3 and we also had pizza. Like I said before we keep it very casual. My daughter made 2 hupe trays of cookies and a tray of horns. If you're Italien you will know what horns are. So much food. When most of the people left my daughter in law helped me clean up. Great day !!!Later we did face time with my grandson so we could see him open his presents.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

Oh...that is so disappointing!  I'm sure your husband will appreciate the sentiment, though. 


Hope your celebration is joyous!  Merry Christmas!

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

Sometimes the very best pictures are the ones you hold in your heart. Heart


We were never a big picture taking family but I still have the best memories that a person could hope for . . . so glad you enjoyed your day and a good time was had by all . . . Merry Christmas!

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Posts: 4,394
Registered: ‎04-19-2010

Re: Today Is Our Family Christmas

@hovis I'm glad your day turned out to be enjoyable. Sounds like everyone made some adjustments and made the best of it. Hope t :Smiley Happy e rest of the holidays are enjoyable as well.