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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

I am thankful that I live in Maryland.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

Sharing each and every weekday with my precious grandsons (I take care of them while my son and daughter-in-law work). They are my joyful refuge from all the craziness in today's world and bring me such love and peace!
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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

[ Edited ]

@lOVETOSHOP   Your son and DIL are lucky to have you.


I cared for my grandchildren also.  As they have grown older, I look back and treasure all of those moments I had when they were babies and so many special moments along the way.


Enjoy all your time with them!

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

@ThinkingOutLoud I am thankful for positive threads on these boards, so thank you for promoting that.  It's nice to read about good things no matter what we are going through.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

Faith that keeps me going.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

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Today I am thankful and happy I can go out on my porch and still have plenty of beautiful flowers in bloom.  This seems like an odd year to still have so many not taken by the frost.  Hollyhocks, daisies, roses, giant dalhias, zinnias, clamatis, verbenia, tuberos begonias and others.   Normally by now they should gone.  Enjoyed looking at the flowers today always makes me happy.  And of course all the mums, but that is usual for this time of year.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

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@ThinkingOutLoud   This is a very good post.  If we can keep this up each day until Thanksgiving thinking of the many positive things we have, we should all be in a very  uplifted state this month.  And then comes Christmas and a joyous season so we should have good vibes to start the New Year with a positive attitude.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

Day 1 for me.  I am thankful the good Lord is keeping me here on earth.  I do ask for this ‘cause at 78 I have younger grandcnildren and a DH to watch over.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

Surviving breast cancer  2 years ago and praying my other 8 (yes 8, not a typo) sisters don't get it.

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Re: Today I am Thankful for... - Day 1

A higher one! Greatest of them all!  Much bigger than them all.  One I love..... who lets no weapon ever formed against me prosper!

A Negative Mind ~ Will give you a Negative Life