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💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

[ Edited ]


I read this in an e-newsletter today and wanted to share an excerpt from it.




To Those Who Find Themselves Hurting This Holiday Season

     “'I think there must be something wrong with me, Linus.

      Christmas is coming, but I’m not happy. I don’t feel

      the way I’m supposed to feel.   I just don’t understand

      Christmas, I guess.   I like getting presents, and sending

      Christmas cards, and decorating trees and all that.

      But I’m still not happy.   I always end up feeling

      depressed.'  — Charlie Brown

To those who find themselves hurting amongst a sea of smiles this holiday season: you are not alone.

To those who are reminded of loved ones missing, families broken, happier pasts than presents: you are not alone.

To those who hate memories because they only seem to make you sad, never happy: you are not alone.

To those who look at everyone in the holiday spirit, smiling with cheer, and can’t feel that way: you are not alone.   To those who feel even worse because you can’t feel that way: you are not alone.

To those who desperately want to enjoy time with family and friends but at the same time want nothing more than to be alone, the thought of groups and celebrations and interactions terrifying you: you are not alone.

To those who want to leave, who feel like they’re hurting the ones around them this holiday season, like people’s lives would be easier without them: you, you are not alone.

To you: know that your pain is real but that you are not alone in your aches.   That others share these pains and that others want to help you in yours.   Know it’s OK to be sad, even on Christmas ....

... You are alive and breathing, and that is worth celebrating in itself.   It is OK not to smile as much as the families in the commercials, to have less cheer than the movies, to be in more pain than the storybooks.

If you are surrounded by people these next few weeks but are still hurting: please talk.   Talk to the people around you and invite them into your pain, to walk with you.   Let them help you carry the things you’re carrying.   Let them love you.

If you’re alone these next few weeks: know that you aren’t, not really.   Even if you aren’t physically surrounded by as many people as you want, you aren’t alone.   You are valued and loved, even when you don’t feel it.

Hang on to that truth: you are always valued, you are always loved.   If you’re not hurting and not alone the next few weeks: don’t assume everyone is sharing your joy.   Don’t assume it’s the hap-happiest time of the year. Invite people in you normally wouldn’t.   Ask more genuine questions, have more honest conversations.   Value the people around you enough to ask about the ways they’re hurting.   Listen well, love well.

And regardless of your situation: lean in.   To relationships, to other people.   Link arms and hearts with those around you and recognize that we’re all in this together.   We’re all living, breathing, sometimes gasping for air.   Some of us are doing well today, some of us aren’t.

Remember:   life is both heavy and light, and we need both. Remembering the heavy days during the light ones gives us compassion; remembering the light days during the heavy ones gives us hope.

Let’s remind each other of both.
Let’s grow more compassionate together.
Let’s hope together.
Let’s live together.

Have a hopeful Christmas."

(12/21/16, Robert Vore)



full article at


Christmas hug



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

[ Edited ]


          I also want to add my wishes to all for a good holiday season, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, joy in your chosen celebration, and the best in the coming year.    On the eve of Christmas eve, it's a season that doesn't go unnoticed no matter who we are, what celebrations we observe, or how we feel about the holidays.   And with it comes the close of another year and our thoughts inevitably go to all that's happened in the last 12 months.

          There have been events which brought us joy, excitement, and satisfaction... and those which caused sadness, worry, and maybe even regret.   Heartwarming and heartbreaking, life steps in and reminds us we are human.  It also reminds us we are much more alike than different.   We do have much more in common than "in difference."

          I want to offer my gratitude to all of you for your good wishes when things were difficult, for your understanding when I was a jerk, your forgiveness when we hit rough patches in our posting friendships, and your love which was present no matter what the circumstances.   Thank you.

          You've all been gracious and unselfish in unflinchingly sharing life-changing joys and challenges, and in doing so you allowed us access to your heart...  and all of you have enriched us and taught us so much about courage and also "joie de vivre," exultation of spirit.

To everyone who reads and posts here:

"With the first light of sun - Bless you.
When the long day is done - Bless you.
In your smiles and your tears - Bless you.
Through each day of your years - Bless you."

(traditional Irish blessing)

          I think you're true gems, with flashes of brilliance and endearing human flaws, and I want to wish you an abundance of peace, love and laughter throughout the coming year.


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

What a valuable post this is. I am printing it out to save and to share. 

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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

@dooBdoo  wishing you peace, joy and friendship.   You write so beautifully.  You are a friendly poster who is positive and kind, even at difficult times.  Whenever I read your posts, I know I will smile, think and reflect.  


Your kind, thoughtful posts have made me stop and think before I post something I may regret.  THANK YOU!!  


Happy holidays. Heart

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

What a wonderful post.  I thank you for it.

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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

@dooBdoo....beautiful thoughts. 


I wish for everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday Season filled with love and laughter. 



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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

Doobdoo, what a beautifully written post. The older I get the more bittersweet the holidays. 


Happy Holidays to you and yours....Heart

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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️



          Thanks, @libbyannE@dmod nj, @newjersey, @shell garden, @Trinity11!❤️



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

@dooBdoo, As always, your kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness speaks volumes about you. Bless your heart and have wonderful and safe days ahead.Heart

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Re: 💚To those who are hurting this holiday season... and best wishes to all!❤️

Hope you have a good holiday season.