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Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

I know many people do not tip  and  that is fine. This thread is not to make those people who chose not to tip feel bad anything.


i was just curious for those that do give Christmas tips out who you tip.  I just tip two people. The mail person and the newspaper delivery person. I give them each a $25 visa gift card.  

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

I tip my massage therapist, who I see almost every month.  Her Christmas tip was $40.  I tip my personal trainer, who also instructs three other classes that I take and I gave her a gift certificate for a massage to her favorite spa.  I also gave my other trainer, who I take one class with, a $10 gift certificate to our local convenience store.  She is young and I think she can treat herself to lunch.  I only get our Sunday newspaper (get the rest of the week online) and tip her with the payment, but I also give her a small gift card to our local convenience store. 


I do not tip our mail person because in our neighborhood, the neighbors are usually the ones who deliver the mail to each other. 

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

Until I read about it here, it never occurred to me to give holiday tips.  I haven't tipped, but will reevaluate the topic.  Thanks for the reminder.

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

I tip my mail carrier because she goes out of her way for me and I tip my garbage man because he is so neat and also has gone above and beyond.  On two occasions when a bag tore he even picked up what fell out to the best of his ability.  That has only happened twice in eight years but I never forget that he did that.

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

I don't have too many people to tip.  Gardener: 50.  Hair and nail ladies: 20.  Newspaper carrier: 25.  Waste Management workers (3 diff ones) 15.  

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

I thought the mail carrier wasn't supposed to accept tips, plus we have three mail carriers.


Normally, I give a large tip to the dog's groomer and my hairstylist for the holidays

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

@SeaMaiden wrote:

I know many people do not tip  and  that is fine. This thread is not to make those people who chose not to tip feel bad anything.


i was just curious for those that do give Christmas tips out who you tip.  I just tip two people. The mail person and the newspaper delivery person. I give them each a $25 visa gift card.  

I give my cleaning lady the amount she charges for a days cleaning, $20 each to the trash removal crew, $20 each to my grasscutting crew, a $25 check to the newspaper delivery person, and a $20 Subway gift card to the letter carrier.  I never tipped my manicurist because I tip her heavily throughout the year, I have a standing appointment every 3 weeks.  But my sister goes to the same manicurist, and she tips her at Christmas, so this year I decided to give her a $20 gift card to her favorite coffee shop.  These are all people I really depend on, and I really apprecaite them. 

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

@tansy wrote:

I thought the mail carrier wasn't supposed to accept tips, plus we have three mail carriers.


Normally, I give a large tip to the dog's groomer and my hairstylist for the holidays

I believe they can accept $20 gifts or gift cards.  I used to do this when I had the same carrier every day.  

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

I tip my hair stylist a small amount every time I get my hair trimmed. But at Christmas I give her a larger tip. 

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Re: Tipping for services rendered during the holiday season

[ Edited ]

We gave our hair stylist a bigger than usual tip for Christmas when we got our haircuts last week. We also tip the paper carrier extra at Christmas. And of course we tip when we go out to eat year round (20 to 25%). But this year we also gave our favorite server where we go to eat alot, 25 extra dollars (plus the regular tip we always give).


That's it. (I have never gotten the mailman, the UPS man, etc gifts. When my kids were little we did buy small gifts for their teachers (just in grade school).


Otherwise we only buy for immediate family members for Christmas and donate to Salvation Army and toys for CHOP (Childrrens hospital in Philly) at Christmas. (other charities year round).

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles