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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

Currently:  the rocking VW (agree it is in poor taste.)


Previously:  the gagging couple on couch for Value City Furniture.

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

Liberty Mutual where the woman wears high heels w/jeans or slacks. Looks terrible.


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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

@joyceann wrote:
All ads for prescription drugs. How many millions are pharmaceutical companies spending on TV advertising?!



What' really scary about those commercials is when they rattle off the posible side effects of the drugs!  I often think I'd rather suffer with the disease than take these drugs!

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

The constipated opioid guy.

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

@Desertdi wrote:

There is really a crude commercial for something called "Squatty Potty"



The one with the prince and the unicorn?  I love that one!!  


I used to work with a guy who looked like that prince, which just makes it funnier to me.

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

[ Edited ]

All of the ones mentioned and so many more. I really hate the commercial about investing with the guy sewing vests...followed by the guy talking about "retiring" and tire this and that. REALLY? LOL Anyway would be much easier to name one of the very few clever commercials that have given me a smile. LOL. I like the one for Southwest Airlines featuring the guy who spots who he thinks is a gorgeous blonde sitting on the couch. As he passes by other potential women dates he then finds out the couch blonde is a dog. And then the embarrassment begins HAAAAAAAAAAA! Love it

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

@just bee wrote:

@Pandalady wrote:

"Hail Caesar Salad" Geico commercial...just dumb!


I also don't like the VIPoo commericals, either.



I saw the V.I.Poo commercial for the first time this week.  I was mortified.  But when I rewound it and subjected Better-half to it, he had a good point. 


He was wondering if it would work for "asparagus pee."


Or would Air Wick have to market a sister product: V.I.Pee?


Clearly the ad works.  We're discussing it here and actually remember the name of the product.

It only works if it promotes sales and I won't be buying it. When commercials annoy me, I go out of my way to avoid the products. So at least for me, any attention is not necessarily a good thing... That one is pretty tacky...

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

Where would I begin, there are so many bad ones... Personally though, I find the VW commercial kind of clever... It doesn't bother me. I'm more inclined to be bothered by the 'bathroom' commercials of all types, whether they relate back to stink, TP or medications... Some things are just not worthy of discussion on television...


I also really dislike the Dr. Pepper commercial with the idiot going through the living room on a jet ski spewing Dr. Pepper... It's utterly stupid... but there are so many more...


Commercials that are too loud, too boisterous or with annoying music are all sure to make me skip whatever product they're selling next time I'm at the store...

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

The Volkswagon one with the rocking vehicles makes me chuckle, as I think it's clever.



As soon as I saw the ad for V.I.Poo, I knew that feathers were going to be ruffled! *lol*



Seriously, our commercials are tame when you compare it to what is shown in other countries!



I think some people would faint if they saw what is shown over there!



At the very least, they would be clutching their pearls! *lol*

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Re: Time for a new "worst commercial on TV" thead?

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

The Volkswagon one with the rocking vehicles makes me chuckle, as I think it's clever.



As soon as I saw the ad for V.I.Poo, I knew that feathers were going to be ruffled! *lol*



Seriously, our commercials are tame when you compare it to what is shown in other countries!



I think some people would faint if they saw what is shown over there!



At the very least, they would be clutching their pearls! *lol*

@Plaid Pants2


I hope you have your pearls handy.  I think this one is from the U.K....



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