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Two, One, Liftoff!

Hoping "Swoosie" had an excellent birthday.

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Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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I prefer 3.25.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Yep she called us yesterday said it was two boys and one girl. She said they are sleeping good, but eating time is so funny. bbl
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Posts: 235
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Ok back, you can guess lol. Anyway you should go out and see them.i emailed you a couple of pictures. Ok have to go. Have a great night
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Registered: ‎07-23-2013

i do not understand this thread. who is the op talking about? or to?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
On 1/20/2014 Q_spirit said:

i do not understand this thread. who is the op talking about? or to?

or why? Color me not in the loop either.

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Posts: 235
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
dif , no same cl, they are pic happy sending more to you. lol