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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years


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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

[ Edited ]

@Mindy D  great information and thanks for sharing. If we've reached the tipping point, the full effects won't be felt in our lifetimes. Maybe my grandkids' and great grandkids'. But by then new technologies will be in place.

The upcoming generations are not deniers and are onboard with green energy technology. I have great confidence in them!

Hopefully, I'll live to see the advent of all electric vehicles. I think that is supposed to happen by 2050. 


I think our biggest problem in the near-term will be climate refugees. People needing to leave desert or coastal areas because they become uninhabitable or under water. Here and all over the world.

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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

Some scientists on the weather channel said the hottest summers on record were the 1930's. No way to accurately measure how hot it was 100,000 years ago. There was no record-keeping back then. Now it is just speculation. 

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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

I'm not going to argue climate change one way or the other.  I'm going to say it has happened rapidly long before humans and will happen rapidly long after the human era ends.


What we are seeing is weather too, which is NOT climate.  And in earth history, the human era isn't that long either.


I am saying basically we don't know. But we do know how is generating what we deem as climate change (it isn't the USA alone) and we are doing more worrying about it than adjusting to it and focusing on the reality rather than what we THINK we can change.


That's my main point. And also, we can't destroy the earth.  We can make it different and not to our liking in places, but it's about humans (i.e. modern life and the living conditions), in reality, not the "earth"

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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

It just dawned on me that I guess I'm cross because I feel as if people in this country are being shamed and forced to pay for things that other countries are not going to do and no matter what we do or how much we are made to pay and be harmed by it, it won't change anything.


It's like I could go on a strict diet and not eat anything but grapefruit and eggs for a year, but you aren't going to lose weight because of my sacrifice.  

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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

@Trailrun23 wrote:

Some scientists on the weather channel said the hottest summers on record were the 1930's. No way to accurately measure how hot it was 100,000 years ago. There was no record-keeping back then. Now it is just speculation. 

You nailed it, nothing more than speculation. I am so sick of false reporting on climate change and the environment. I wish more people would pay closer attention and get facts and truth. So many pieople believe whatever they read or hear, so much easier than delving into what is really happening.

I sure hope that EV's never become a reality. 

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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

If the climate scientists also believe in the Big Bang, they clearly aren't willing to look at what the cause of extreme weather events really is and are just fishing for answers.

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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

Aside from the debate on climate change, I’m really tired of using the debate as an excuse to essentially not care about how we trash the earth and everything in it. Land, sky, oceans….

Who cares where or how we drill?

Who cares what species are extinct because of our lack of responsible stewardship?

Who cares about soil contaminated with chemicals and plastics?

Who cares about the health implications of all this pollution?

All I care about is, “I want what I want and I want it now and cheap.”

Any proposed changes or research on new technologies is mocked.

It’s disturbing and short-sighted for the present and future generations. 😢
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Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

@Redshoes07 wrote:

It amazes me how "they" know how hot it was 100,000 years ago. 

They know plenty.  All you have to do look at the rings of the tree to see what event took place. 

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Registered: ‎03-02-2016

Re: This week. Highest global temperatures in 100,000 years

Thank you for your informative post @Mindy D .  Climate change is real and all the ramifications that go with it. Case in point in my own state and surrounding areas.  The Gulf of Maine has been warming more and quicker than any ocean on the planet.  The lobstermen/women are seeing the consquences of the warming. Lobsters need cold water. The warming is sending them farther North. Lobstermen have to go out further and stay out longer just to catch them. Costing them more in fuel and time.  Non native species are entering Gulf of Maine because of the warming.  Sharks, seahorses, non native fish are all coming in due to the warming ocean.  Warmer waters are also detrimental to Oxygen supplies in the water. There is less of it, Leading to algae growth and blooms, killing fish/sea life and causing health problems for humans. You have to wonder about people that don't believe in science.  Most likely the type that if it doesn't affect them they don't care.