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Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

I was always a yes as long as my doctors say the vaccine is ok given my other health conditions.

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Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

Yes, we're still going to get it when it's available to us.

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Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

We are also a yes.   We don't normally get the flu shot but will start with the Covid vaccine.   We are fortunate to have been fairly healthy so far in life (besides my  health issue  5 years ago) but now that we are getting a bit older and living through this virus, we will be complying.

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Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

@qualitygal   Still a yes for me.

......You look like I need a drink.....
Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,726
Registered: ‎07-15-2016

Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

[ Edited ]

I was a "NO" and I'm still a "NO."


In recent days/weeks, I've seen articles about side effects.  Some "experts" say that the CDC should warn people about these side effects.  


From what I've read, some are really drastic and lasting.


Whatever you decide - be sure you are making an "informed" decision.



ETA:  Rather than using "side effects" .... it's been recommeded that they use the wording "immune response" since that doesn't sound as bad as side effects.

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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

@ALRATIBA wrote:

I was a "NO" and I'm still a "NO."


In recent days/weeks, I've seen articles about side effects.  Some "experts" say that the CDC should warn people about these side effects.  


From what I've read, some are really drastic and lasting.


Whatever you decide - be sure you are making an "informed" decision.

That won't be possible for people in nursing homes who have dementia or other intellectual impairments. Some of them have no family members to weigh in on medical decisions. From what I have read, the vaccines were not tested on the very old, yet this is one of the first populations slated to be vaccinated. I understand the desire to protect this particular group, but think the focus should be on the employees and visitors and anyone else who has contact with them, and not these fragile people.



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Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

[ Edited ]



No change for me. I have always been a yes. Just for kicks! I think anyone that says no to a vaccine cares about nobody but themselves.  


Let's see what happens now, eh?  😉







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Registered: ‎09-08-2010

Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

Still no. Especially after hearing that many people experienced so many side-effects that they didn't go back for their second shot. If the FDA is saying the side-effects are a monster, I can imagine what it would do to my sensitive immune system. Nope!

Super Contributor
Posts: 254
Registered: ‎08-02-2019

Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

No, not for us.


On a side note I did read a few days ago that pregnant women should not get the vaccine. No testing was done on this category of patients.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,697
Registered: ‎08-31-2019

Re: This was asked awhile back about the CV shots.

The upside of the vaccine is that if you are infected, you will likely be asymptomatic, or have milder symptoms. It's to hopefully prevent serious illness and death.


The downside is that after the vaccine, if you're exposed to the virus, you can still spread it. They are still not sure if the vaccine would weaken the transmission, or not.


So, I don't see much changing, except it will lessen fears that if we do contract the virus it could kill us. But spreading will still be an issue. 


With so many refusing to take the vaccine, those of us who have been responsible will have to continue all the protective measures we've already been taking. And, we have no idea for how long.


Even with the vaccine, there is uncertainty of length of protection. I think it may vary for individuals, just like the severity of the illness itself seems to be.


This is going to be a long, uncertain road that we need to take in first gear, with hope, but also valid concerns.