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This is THE Email to Use For Customer Care

The email on the website has been disabled and didn't work anyway, I understand.


Here is THE email to the Social Team for any questions/problems/complaints:


People use this all the time and have posted that it works.


Also the Mods have posted this as the one to use.

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Registered: ‎03-19-2016

Re: This is THE Email to Use For Customer Care

Thanks! I just got an email from QVC today replying to a question I asked over a month ago. They didn't answer the problem but told me to call customer service, or tweet or something. I'm hard of hearing and if they don't answer the phone, that leaves the social team. Thanks for the e mail. They didn't mention it.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: This is THE Email to Use For Customer Care

if you are on facebook they usually answer in messenger pretty quickly if you have issues.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: This is THE Email to Use For Customer Care

@sunshine45, I have been extremely fortunate. Have always used "LIVE CHAT" One of the reps named Susan always goes the extra mile to be more then helpful.Two other reps I have spoken to are Evelyn and Wayne.They are all excellent. Try Live chat. You may have to wait a few mins. but it may be helpful for you. 

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Posts: 36,983
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Re: This is THE Email to Use For Customer Care

Let's keep this at the top, let's help the mods !