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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

This Summer Be Careful of Pick Pockets

A friend of mine called today to tell me she was eating at a restaurant and some guy approached her table (she was there with her 5 year old) and he was just standing in line like he was going to order saying hello and being "friendly," it was a fast food chinese place. She had her purse hanging on the chair across from her (first mistake). He must have noticed her wallet in the pocket of her purse. He left a moment and came back and then dropped some coupons or something on the table and managed to swipe her wallet. She didn't figure it out until she got home and by then he had racked up over $2000 in purchases at a Target store and other places in the area. She had a good description of him and all but had to go through the hassle of calling all her credit card companies, insurance, MVD, etc.

Her husband is in the hospital so she was quite shaken by all of this.

It's a lesson to be very careful out there. Pick pockets are very good at what they do (that's what the police told her). They can spot a potential "score" easily in public places and can do it without you even noticing at all. First lesson, don't leave your purse exposed like that anywhere. Always keep it near you. Don't ever leave it in a grocery cart as you are shopping. Never leave your purse open so your contents are exposed. The list goes on and on. The police told her to only take 1 credit card with you when you leave home and little money. It's scary nowadays that thieves can just use gadgets near you and grab your ID information.

Be cautious and know your surroundings and be alert to suspicious people. She's still very upset and feels so violated by what happened to her.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: This Summer Be Careful of Pick Pockets

I am sorry for your friend.......

Thanks for posting this reminder to all of us...I am guilty of leaving my purse in the cart and walking away....

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Posts: 790
Registered: ‎09-05-2010

Re: This Summer Be Careful of Pick Pockets

Thank you for posting this. While I always keep everything with me, I have a tendency to use a backpack and I know that it's easy for someone to just open while it's on my back, and remove my wallet. Last year one of my friends had her purse stolen from a grocery cart when she turned her back to look at greeting cards. Not only was her wallet with all her cards and medical information stolen, but also her house and car keys.

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Posts: 1,795
Registered: ‎04-17-2013

Re: This Summer Be Careful of Pick Pockets

Yes, thank you, OP for this relevant reminder! The baddies are getting better at their badness all the time. . .