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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

@Judaline wrote:

Carrots at dinnertime. Until I decided to put ketchup on them. Then no problem!


Wow --- that's different!  I love ketchup but never heard of doing that!  My mother used to cook carrots and put a bit of sugar in.  It really made them taste much better and then we wanted them all the time!  


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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

@Judaline wrote:

Carrots at dinnertime. Until I decided to put ketchup on them. Then no problem!


Wow --- that's different!  I love ketchup but never heard of doing that!  My mother used to cook carrots and put a bit of sugar in.  It really made them taste much better and then we wanted them all the time!  


That's 'cause I invented it! It's the "desperate actions for desperate situations" thing.



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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

@Lucky Charm wrote:

@Stray wrote:
Eggs wouldn’t eat them then and won’t eat them now!

Same for me. 


I swore when I became an 'adult', I would never eat another egg.


And I meant it.


I gave up cakes, cookies, brownies, etc. because they had eggs in them.  


(And there's a huge list to that 'etc', which included some breads, Milky Way candy bars <thud>, some pastas, a whole lotta stuff is made with egg.  Blah.


That's how much I loathed eggs......

Was it the way they were cooked?  I cannot eat wet eggs.  Soft scrambled, sunny side up, over easy all make me gag just looking at it.  My eggs have to be fried or scrambled well (dry).  I only eat the white of a boiled egg never the yellow.  


I'm a baker so I have problem with eggs in a recipe.

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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster


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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

Liver and still will not eat it.  Pimento with cheese.  Some Saturdays that was lunch a pimento cheese sandwich, I skipped it and waited for dinner.  Not easy to skip a meal when your an active kid, but that stuff was nasty.  Now I enjoy the spread a bit from time to time.

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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

If we didn't like what my mom made my dad would say "There's always peanut butter and jelly".

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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

[ Edited ]

It was saurbraten (sorry, don't know how it's spelled)  It was meat that would be marinated for 1 day with all kinds of evil stuff and on the day it was cooked the whole house stunk to high heavens.  Mom only made it twice a year and boy that was enough.  And - it was the only meat that my brother and I were allowed to skip.


As far as a meal I hated to eat - anything pork.  Always cut it into tiny pieces and buried it in the mashed potatoes before putting it in my mouth.  Ugh.  Oh then there was cow's tongue, yep, we had to eat that too.  Horrible taste.

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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

Nothing.  My father was a meat and starch and green bean guy.  So most of what she cooked was just that.  If she ever branched out and cooked something new and one of us didn't like it, she never cooked it again.  What she cooked was fabulous and we ate it all so she pretty much stuck with that.  Lucky us.  

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Re: Things You Hated to Eat as a Youngster

Lima beans. I pretty much ate everything but not those.  I tried stuffing them under plate, but alway caught.  Then I discovered excusing myself to bathroom.  Lol