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🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

Always imatated but never duplicated.......

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wizards in Winter


***The above video has been remastered from the original circa 2005***

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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

I have their Christmas Album.  Love it!


A mall near here uses their music and has a huge tree with  programmed to the musid.  Simply breathtaking to see!

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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

I've seen them in concert, wonderful!

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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

I do love their music, but made a mistake one year and got tickets in the third row.  We were next to a six foot speaker and left at intermission.  The noise and sound level was unbearable.  Three of us were almost sick from the volume.  

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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

@Mz iMac  It took Carson William (Williams?) one hour to program each minute of music.


He is an electrical engineer who used the equipment from a light/sound company and eventually started his own company. I forget the names of these companies.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

@Cakers3  I found Carson Williams story on Wiki....


I found it interesting he now has a whole new career.  A lot of big named companies has hired him to do their light shows.  Amazing!!!!

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

We saw them in concert last Christmas.


Very enjoyable.

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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

[ Edited ]

@lynnie61 wrote:

I do love their music, but made a mistake one year and got tickets in the third row.  We were next to a six foot speaker and left at intermission.  The noise and sound level was unbearable.  Three of us were almost sick from the volume.  

@lynnie61 ... Oh my goodness! With this kind of music l can understand why you had to leave! I sat next to a speaker one time but it was a singer. That was bad enough !!

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Re: 🎄 The one that started it all 🎄

@Mz iMac ... Wow !!!!