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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

Yes we all worried about these two here.

There have been hurricanes that have made a direct hit in the state of Hawaii. Iniki in 1992 was a Cat 4 and devastated Kauai. This is the first to make a direct hit on the Big Isand of Hawaii before being downgraded to a Tropical Storm. It should slightly weaken as it moves up the island chain but all islands will feel the effects.

Here on Maui, we are next in line. Everything is closed or closing soon. We are expecting power outages state wide. Personally, dh and I are most worried about huge old trees coming down on top of our house.

~Dogs are my favorite people and my favorite people are dogs.~
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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

We will be praying for you. Mr. SB, your adopted dogs next door - and all your fellow Hawaiians, Mrs. Sweetie Bear. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

Praying for you is right!! Many prayers going your way.

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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

Terrier3 is correct. This is the first hurricane for the big island of Hawaii since records have been kept. Not the first for the Hawaiian islands or the state.

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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

Exactly, this is not the first hurricane in the history of Hawaii.

HONOLULU (AP) — Iselle was supposed to weaken as it slowly trudged west across the Pacific. It didn't — and now Hawaii is poised to take its first direct hurricane hit in 22 years. Tracking close behind it was Hurricane Julio, which strengthened early Thursday into a Category 2 storm.

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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

Mahalo minky. It is a double threat as they say because Hurricane Julio is right behind Hurricane Iselle by only a day.

We have had a very rainy spring and summer with various other tropical storms for several months and so our ground is very saturated. Many trees have gone down all over our island recently. With the high sustained winds that are due to hit us in the next several hours, that is our biggest concern.

~Dogs are my favorite people and my favorite people are dogs.~
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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

Well, I will definitely be watching the coverage as I pray for you.

Please check in after it passes if you can. {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

I'm in touch with my friends there and they're ready for the big blow......Costco has been doing a big business the past few days......keeping my fingers crossed for their safety and hope it doesn't cause too much does look like the Big Island is in for a direct hit, though. For anyone interested you can get their local news in a live stream.....since I now live in the central time zone, I watch KGMB 5:00 news at 10:00 cst on my computer. KITV and KHON also live stream their local newscasts for anyone wanting to see them.

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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

I have a friend who is on vacation in Hawaii. She left last Saturday and is supposed to come back Sunday.

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Re: The first Hurricane in the History of Hawaii

terrier, I'm so sorry, I didn't see your line here! I even did a highlighter search for Hawaii and came up with nothing.

I'll put a note on mine to come here.

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