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Re: The Topic Of Covid

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@CrazyDaisy wrote:

Then we can go back to the Royal family 

Oh Lord No! 

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@gidgetgh wrote:

@Sapphiregal wrote:

I will be SO glad when every other thread on these forums is not about Covid 19. I think it has been discussed to death! I think there is too much censoring by moderaters, as well. Topics have to be so "soft" that they are uninteresting.



@Sapphiregal  And yet, you started another one.  It's really not a big deal.  Just pass them by.

And @Sapphiregal .

You just posted a comment on another covd thread after starting this one. You can't be that tired of them.

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@Sapphiregal  I also don't know why you would start yet another COVID  thread to complain about how many COVID threads are on the board.

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@KKJ wrote:

@Sapphiregal wrote:

@Catty2 wrote:

I got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine today.  Go back in 3 weeks for the 2nd shot.  It was in the parking lot of a community college not too far from me.  Very well organized and everyone was so nice.  



Yo obviously missed my meaning. There must be 100 threads already where people are saying they have gotten the vaccine. Why do you feel the need to tell that?

No joke. Don't know why we need a new thread started and a zillion posts everytime someone gets their shot.

@KKJ. Because finally getting your appointment and shot is a major victory, often hard won.  It's the most exciting thing that has happened to many in a year.

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@Sapphiregal wrote:

I will be SO glad when every other thread on these forums is not about Covid 19. I think it has been discussed to death! I think there is too much censoring by moderaters, as well. Topics have to be so "soft" that they are uninteresting.



Me too.  It's all been a joke.  I am sure there will be people that will continue to wear "the mask" and that's fine but we should have all been given that choice to begin with.

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My mom just got her second shot today! I'm so happy for her. Her arm is sore, no other side effects. I am sooooo relieved. I've been worried for her this whole past year. Her chances of having a hard time from the disease or dying from it were very concerning. It was a weight I've carried this whole time. Anyone who spread Covid around her was a threat to her. And of course I took that very personally. I love her. I don't want anyone to harm her.




I hope everyone else who wants to be vaccinated can get their shot soon.

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The post police are out; tracking our history.  Must have missed that in the guidelines we are limited as to how many times we are allowed to post about the same subject.  Man Wink

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Yup, the shots are a rite of passage--right up there with losing your virginity.


I get my first shot Sat. at--of all places--Michigan Stadium.



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Re: The Topic Of Covid

[ Edited ]

@Sapphiregal  I agree with both the points of view you expressed in your original post. The volume of pandemic posts has been daunting and the boards seem to have become increasingly restrictive. 

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@KarenQVC wrote:

Yup, the shots are a rite of passage--right up there with losing your virginity.


I get my first shot Sat. at--of all places--Michigan Stadium.



Pretty sure that if folks get into the losing their virginity posts things are going to get dicey and the shut down will come pretty quickly... Woman Very Happy



In my pantry with my cupcakes...