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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

I thought Dr Phil was rude to the wife. When she asked "why is the nanny allowed to have notes and I'm not" Dr Phil didn't even answer. Of all three, I thought the husband to be "normal"....The nanny was downright evil looking in my opinion. I really felt sorry for her sister.

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

On 9/13/2014 lovescats said:

I'm curious about how legal it is to hire someone for just room and board. Would taxes have to be taken out or paid by the employer? or is it just considered barter?

I think they are both wrong but the woman wanted someone in a situation who would be willing to work just for room and board.

We researched this when the case first came to light - housekeepers and domestic help have some kind of exemption if they get full room & board.

I question how a family can entrust their precious children to someone who isn't getting paid one dime.

The family wanted help on the cheap and they didn't vet this crazy woman.

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

The ad stated that they wanted someone who was getting "retirement" pay, so if the nanny was living on her Social Security she didn't have to pay any bills, so she was ahead of the game to begin with. Even if she just got $500 per month, it was all hers to keep. They saw that as a win/win situation......

They also said they got 3 responses to their ad on Craigslist and this was the best one. Can you imagine what the other two were like???

When you have three small kids, you don't advertise on Craigslist IMO...... I agree with the poster who said they were looking for a Reality Show.... and why not????? LOL

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

I saw this.

Craigs list is full of crazies and the mom used them to find a nanny!

The family is lucky it wasn't worse than what happened!

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

On 9/13/2014 stargazer said:

I thought Dr Phil was rude to the wife. When she asked "why is the nanny allowed to have notes and I'm not" Dr Phil didn't even answer. Of all three, I thought the husband to be "normal"....The nanny was downright evil looking in my opinion. I really felt sorry for her sister.

I thought so, too, and I rarely say that about someone. It was the look in her eyes when she looked at her sister while the sister was speaking. Malevolent.

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

On 9/13/2014 NoelSeven said:
On 9/13/2014 stargazer said:

I thought Dr Phil was rude to the wife. When she asked "why is the nanny allowed to have notes and I'm not" Dr Phil didn't even answer. Of all three, I thought the husband to be "normal"....The nanny was downright evil looking in my opinion. I really felt sorry for her sister.

I thought so, too, and I rarely say that about someone. It was the look in her eyes when she looked at her sister while the sister was speaking. Malevolent.

Hi Noel!!

"Malevolent" is the perfect word to describe the look in her eyes. Almost frightening!!

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

The nanny clearly is unstable, but something about the mother rubbed me the wrong way too......

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

On 9/13/2014 SydneyH said:

The nanny clearly is unstable, but something about the mother rubbed me the wrong way too......

I agree,

Who would leave their children with a woman who looks nuts????

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

This reminds of of Pacific Heights. I didn't care for the wife much, but the nanny was bizarre.

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Re: ~The Squatter Nanny on Dr. Phil right now~

The nanny had over 30 plus lawsuits and has even sued a judge on one of the cases. The state will no longer allow her to sue without having a special panel approve her legal issue. It is sad but scary.......a lesson to not bring people into your home without a serious background check.