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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

I borrowed this graphic from our friend Hooty:

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

hello guys,

boy what a busy day.

DD had one of those food parties, I believe it was called Tastefully simple. lots of food, most I could not eat. DH took one grand daughter to a b-day party in another town from where she lives. I got a ride home from DD house with someone coming north.

attended church tonight then went out to eat. the place to went for dinner is an ok place, but tonight the dinner I ordered was plain awful. I brought most of it home, dh can take it to work for his lunch on Monday. then went to walmart. found some lightwgt blankets to replace my 10 yr old winter blankets. been looking for this style for years, something lightwgt and easy to wash.

OK guys that is all for now, later all.

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Good Morning! Yesterday was really nice and the Colonial Market Fair had lots of good crafters, I just looked, didn't buy anything! I did get some funnel cake though, hadn't had that in about 15 years.

Puddles--Love the wolf story and it is so true.

Lovestoteach--Congratulations! You'll never regret your decision to retire, enjoy! More time with Lexi and you'll have more time to post with us too! That's a win-win in my book!

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!


Hi Cafe Friends, I found the above photo on Pintrest and thought it was so pretty and I wanted to share it with you all too. I did post it on Bird Nest too. Been busy trying to decide what to send/take home and what to leave here. Then boxing things up and mailing some, shipping others.

Viva, I love watching the old movies with the trains in them. I really watch them just to see the trains running, but they don't spend much time showing the engines. I have found quite a few videos of steam locomotives on YouTube. Some are about 40 min. long. I also found a site or two where you can buy DVDs of the old engines, but they are expensive. I may put one or so on my "Christmas List" {#emotions_dlg.sneaky}{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Cindy, Tell Malindi I wish her much success and hope she's very happy with her new job. I know how proud you must for her.

Puddles, Love the tale about the wolves. Hope you are making good progress with your packing and planning.

Waving to all my Cafe Friends, Have a nice week and stay safe and well.

fall colors #nature #trees #autumn

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Ladies, the first of our new seasonal thread is up. You can access it through my nick if you can't find it on the Friends Forum.

possummink, I love the beautiful hummingbird graphic! I'm moving right along with my preparation for our trip to the States. I finished my Christmas shopping and sent 3 boxes to my niece to be held for my arrival there. I hope you are soon all organized for your trip back home with what to ship, what to pack and what to leave behind.

Hayfield, I love that wolf story too. Hope you have a fun day planned this week.

viva, guess you are getting ready for winter with the purchase of new blankets for the bed. We are having cool mornings, but still very warm in the afternoons.

Wishing everyone a great day!

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Good Morning! Yesterday ended up being a little warmer but still a nice day for the fair. Lots of people! I'm working today too, so everyone, have a good Monday!

Puddles--I found the other thread!

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

hello all,

some interesting news hit my ears this weekend. Seems one of DD very old boyfriends is moving back into my area. This kid was a small lanky kid, he never had any get up and go,he was always waiting for a handout. This kid now weighs in at about 300 pounds, maybe more, has had 5 heart attacks (since he was 28), he still smokes, been married 3 times, he looks exactly like the Duck Dynasty characters. Then the kicker was he is moving into my development. I hope he stays on the other side of the area. I never could stand that kid.

Not much else going on today. Busy day here. Did my normal Monday cleaning. Folded 1 load of clothes, still have a small load to fold.

not much else going on, later all.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Viva, as per my post #8357 the new thread for Fall has been started. If you can't find it on the Friends Forum, just click on my nick. Anyway, that's where everyone is now. You may want to re-post your news there.

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh