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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Hello friends! We are in full prep mode for the bathroom remodel starting on Monday. The new window was installed yesterday and it's gorgeous! Can't wait to have a fully functional new room.

I guess our loves is loving every minute with her precious Lexi Grace.

elegantprofile, glad you are feeling better and the hot toddy helped!Smile

sassy lassy, I'll post the toddy recipe for you when next I post.

possummink, we still continue with the rain. There are some areas that have been under water since the week of Christmas. So sad that so many have lost so much! How are you handling the cooler weather in Florida?{#emotions_dlg.biggrin} I wish we would hear from our missing friends too. It is kind of you to mention them, as does Dame. How are you feeling? Everyone healthy in your family? I bet your MO family misses you!

Dame, how is your dad and DH? I agree with possummink in that you need to put some time aside for YOU once in awhile. I wish I lived nearby and I'd take you for a spa day. Oh lord, the place wouldn't know what landed on their massage table.{} Remember, we are all here for support!

Hayfield, I was once told to watch my diet to which I replied "my diet consists of salads, fruits & vegetables now. How much more can I watch it beside just not eating." I'd be inclined to take your fitness instructor another plate of your cookies.{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

Bobbisue, you should stop by to visit with us more often. We love seeing you here!

viva, wasn't that weird looking at all those bolts holding your foot together?{#emotions_dlg.scared} I'm glad the doctor is pleased with your progress.

lulutoby, what are you up to?

Anika Brodie, how are you?

I wish you all a nice weekend! I'll see you as I can over the next 10-14 days.

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Good Morning! It's going to be fairly nice today, everyone have a great weekend!

Elegantprofile--I really liked "August: Osage County"--It's a little depressing since it's about a totally dysfunctional family but the acting was really good. I know that Meryl Streep & Julia Roberts are the main stars but the other actors are superb.

Possummink--A wine bar is basically that just wine and some beer. The shop started out as just a wine shop but the owners, a lobbyist and teacher (married couple), dreamed of owning a wine bar. They do serve food but on a small scale, mostly salads & sandwiches. It has been fun seeing the shop "come to life", I've been going down for a while now, it's just about 10 minutes from my house.

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

was really under the weather radar last night, was up 3/4 th of the night in the bathroom. not sure what I caught but you know why I was in the bathroom, it was not sick to my tummy. I think I finally came to bed to about 5 am this morn and got about 4 hours of sleep.

today am on white rice, saltines and water for food. will stay on this all weekend just to make sure I do not have a repeat.

cold outside today only 33 here. brisk wind today.

ok that is about all for now guys . later all.

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Viva, Sorry to hear you are feeling ill. I hope you get to feeling lots better fast. Take care of yourself and get some rest. Stay warm and cozy indoors. Smile

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

MK, this looks exactly like my sisters kitchen! She incorporates alot of nature in her decorating. They want to buy 80 more acres next to their 30 acres. Hope they can get it, like Mark Twain or Will Rogers land they aren't making any more of it.

Viva, take a rest and get well soon.

We have had wind advisories for the past two days, wind gusts 60 miles per hour. It's crazy outside.

Can you see my pooches with their big ears like Dumbo flying away{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

They are so cute, I can't help it.

The blue jay's are beautiful outside my kitchen window feasting on bread crumbs while perching on the Japanese maple. They get a bad rap, but are so pretty.

Shout out to Puddles and Dame. If I start to name everyone on the Cafe I will surely miss somebody. Also, wondering how is Katherine.

Wishing everyone good health and happiness.


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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Gee, Cindy, Your sister must love cooking in such a gorgeous kitchen. I love the stone work in that one and the dark wood. I am not too much into light woods, though I do love oak and pecan + walnut and beech. Most of those woods are middle color. My living room coffee table is solid walnut, with a dark stain, and I have a matching credenza in the hall. I also love burls and have 2 bombe tables of burl oak. I don't think I'd ever get tired of being in a beautiful kitchen like the one above or some of the others that I have photos of. Some I haven't posted yet have beautiful fireplaces in the kitchens.

How cool it would be if your sister and her DH could buy that acreage next to them. The more land one has the better, I think. Guess my heart will always belong to farm country areas and wide open spaces or forests. Love fence rows and creek lines. We had Osage orange trees that made the best fence rows, separating the pasture areas. The cattle would never try going through that.

DD called today and said it was snowing at home. I know it's really cold there. Your little poochies are lucky to have very furry ears with all that wind and the wind chills that come with the cold. I love blue jays too, and even though they can be ornery, that's the way nature made them. They are really smart like the cousins, the crows.

Keep warm and safe in all that cold weather. Hope Malindi is doing well and the same for Adam and Attikus. Smile

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Good Evening Everyone,

possummink, love those kitchens; I 'd change that light fixture out as well..... I like blue & white in my kitchen so that red stove would really pop.... : )

viva, sorry to hear you're under the weather, get well soon.......

Puddles, I was wondering if you 've ever transferred Hyrdroshield from a large bottle to a smaller one ? Dr.Denese has a great TSV next month but the Hydroshield is a 4 oz. container.......

Wishing Everyone a restful night and a good weekend .

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

happy-weekend-messages.jpg (450×305)AWWW~Puddles-thank you for that lovely thought. I actually am trying to do that every day with the Good Lord's help.{#emotions_dlg.wub}Your bathroom is going to be gorgeous I can tell already! Won't that be a haven for you!

Lulutoby~Wow-Love the kitchen! Your sister is blessed to have such a wonderful area to cook and enjoy. Hope she gets the land she wants to add. Gee--that's a pretty heavy duty wind you are dealing with! Stay safe and hold on to the furbabies~with those cute big ears they might just sail away!{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Hayfield I was reading an article in a magazine that said a particular fancy wine that was $168,000 was "available". I'm going to have to find that story again but I thought about you and your DH and your escapes to the wineries. I'm just not at all sure what makes a wine that was made in 2004 so expensive. Guess I'm one of the really plebian "twist top and not dry" kinda' wine drinker!{#emotions_dlg.laugh} If there is such a thing! Hope you have a very fun time this weekend with your friends.{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

Viva--Sounds like a really nasty bug so I hope you feel better tomorrow and that it is gone! I think you have enough to deal with with your foot.

Elegant--We almost bumped posts last night!SmileI'm sure you felt better in Arizona. I'm going to get my electric blanket out just for this darn left foot of mine! It might work!Wink

Possum--Loving the kitchens and glad to see you post! I was hoping you weren't running and so busy you couldn't get online. I know you have had that happen in the past. Good that you can regroup next week. I do think it is wonderful that you and your GS get along so well. What a blessing it is to be close to a grandchild!SmileHave you been able to search the night skies yet this trip? I find your travels and "double life" fascinating. I seem to be "rooted in one spot"! I think going to Arizona with Elegant sounds super as I think it would be better for my health and "winter attitude".{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} We seem to be in a "no sun" zone but that might change with the arctic week coming up--again.{#emotions_dlg.scared}

Loves--I know you must be having the time of your life.Smile

Bobbisue-I so agree with Puddles that it is good to have you post here.{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}Come back more often please.

Hoping you all have a fabulous and peaceful weekend whatever you are doing. My best to all of you.{#emotions_dlg.wub}

Love & hope & blessings--Dame{#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

Wow - this weather is something else. Fluctuating between very cold temperatures and then more snow.

Loves - Congratulations and I love the name 'Lexi Grace', I know you are loving every minute of visiting and helping with her.

Dame - Sorry you are having such a rough time, I am glad your Dad is in a safe place and that takes some of the burden from your shoulders. (I know you still worry or you would not be the caring person you are)

Wishing you all a Blessed Sunday.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The Sidewalk Café.....a great place for friendly chat!

sassy lassy, Dr. D's upcoming TSV is a great value. I have in the past transferred Hydroshield to the smaller bottle with no problem.

viva, sorry you have that "bug" and hope you are feeling better today!

Everyone have a lovely Sunday!

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh