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Re: The Queen and her fashion

@pegomyheart wrote:

First let me preface this by saying I loved watching the royal wedding and think Meghan looked gorgeous and elegant.

But now I have to comment on the Queen.  I thought her outfit was beautiful, and loved the green and puple colors. I swear she is getting cuter the older she gets.  But her shoes and purse! They looked like black leather.  Really ?  She can certainly afford anything she wants.  Couldn't she have shoes and purse to match the outfit ? Like perhaps bone shoes and a purple or green purse?  Do you think her advisors try to suggest  something  like that and she rejects the idea ?  

And don't get me started on Princess Anne and her funeral outfit!




She's a very wealthy older woman who has all her outfits made for her ..... how could she possibly dress badly?    It's not like she's putting those outfits together by herself, lol.


(You're right ....  Anne looked horrendous!) 


I saw Andrew Morton on one of the wedding shows, and he said years ago he was there when her purse fell and popped open ......  he saw the contents!   Inside she has a pair of hose, a hanky, a lipstick and compact.   Mystery solved!  lol

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

There was a shot of the Queen and she opened the bag - then the camera pans or cuts away.


I'm screaming - what are you stupid? Life's mystery is about to be revealed.


Maybe everyone is on standby - when the bag opens - don't film it. Kinda 15 second delay on cuss words lol


If the black bag and shoes are her signature style - final word.


mic drop

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

[ Edited ]

@dragonflyveb - When the Queen finishes eating, is when dinner is over - they come and start removing the plates. Geesh, when I have dinner with her I will have to eat quicker, lol.

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

I also heard that there are weights sewn into the hems of her skirts, just in case it gets windy.  We must never see the Queen's skirt flying up and about.

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

This is a most interesting thread! Thanks... 

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

@pegomyheart wrote:

First let me preface this by saying I loved watching the royal wedding and think Meghan looked gorgeous and elegant.

But now I have to comment on the Queen.  I thought her outfit was beautiful, and loved the green and puple colors. I swear she is getting cuter the older she gets.  But her shoes and purse! They looked like black leather.  Really ?  She can certainly afford anything she wants.  Couldn't she have shoes and purse to match the outfit ? Like perhaps bone shoes and a purple or green purse?  Do you think her advisors try to suggest  something  like that and she rejects the idea ?  

And don't get me started on Princess Anne and her funeral outfit!

@pegomyheart  She could have but chose not to.


  At least her handbag matched her shoes.  LOL


Actually I didn't even notice those items; I was focused on her lovely outfit.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: The Queen and her fashion

@sophiamarie wrote:

I also heard that there are weights sewn into the hems of her skirts, just in case it gets windy.  We must never see the Queen's skirt flying up and about.

Yes and now Kate is doing this also after a windy day on a tarmac caught her skirt and it flew up. I have always admired the Queen. She is the definition of duty. Her work schedule at her age is impressive. The cultural change during her reign is head spinning, yet she remains constant in her empathy, dignity, and courtesy. 

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

I love her outfits - the same exact style - just in different colors - easy peasy.  She only carries a certain handbag from the same company she has been buying from forever - probably has a Glock and some tissues in there.  

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

I would rather use weights than hear the old chant..I see London I see FranceWoman Wink

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Re: The Queen and her fashion

If at 92 I am wearing anything other than an old tattered men's bathrobe and fuzzy slippers, it will be a good day. free-laughing-smiley-emoticon.gif