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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

That book looks interesting.

Now sheltie….tell us how the greeting was with Lilly when you returned...


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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

Doxie, she was so funny. I opened the door to her room and bent down and she did the whole body wiggle, she looked so happy, then she was so happy she didn't know what to do, so her ears went back, her back end dipped down and off she shot through the doggy door out into her run, and I thought oh no! - then she shot back inside and I grabbed her ruff and got her collar on before she zipped away again! It was a very happy reunion!

Edited to correct rough to ruff - would never hurt my girl!
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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

Happy Tuesday everyone. Hope you had a nice Memorial Day Weekend. Hero sending special hugs to all his furry friends.

If you have the time, check out Yahoo, the section on Mr. G the lonely goat and Jelly Bean the borro. It will warm your heart. About a rescue in California, but they had separated the two of them, putting them in different places. Mr. G was depressed and wouldn't eat, so they decided to try bringing Jelly Bean to live with the goat. You have to watch the video! Absolute proof that animals have feelings and friends! It will make your day, if not your month! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

Have a nice week everyone. I will stop by soon to say hi. Kiss the "kids" for us.

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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

NChg, thank you for sharing that - oh my gosh, that story was so sweet! My Sheltie Bernice taught me a lesson on how animals care for each other. She had been brought up with another Sheltie, Jesse and our cat Macavity. First Jesse passed, then Macavity. I was talking to my mom on the phone one night while playing fetch with Bernice. Mom asked how she was doing, did she miss the cat? I said no, she seemed fine. At that point Bernice dropped the toy and went over and laid her head up on Macavity's favorite chair and looked over at me as to say "oh Mom, you are wrong, I do miss my friend." Boy, did she teach me something.
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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

Sheltie thanks for the thoughts on my neighbor and am so glad you reminded me of the sacrifices of the dogs in service. They are certainly heroes, too, in every sense of the word. Also I enjoyed the Lily greeting mental picture you painted- verrry sweet.

Doxie,thank you too for the good thoughts. Also your Grandfather was a very wise man. We do get so wrapped up in the day to day "rat race" we forget how wonderful everything really is. Just looking at the sky and flowers is a blessing.

We had a nice relaxing Memorial Day at my daughter's home with friends and family. We are so lucky we can take Angie and Daisy with us and not have to rush home to them.

Hope you all have a great rest of the week.

Trees are the lungs of the Earth
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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

Sheltie- That is so funny. I love to watch pets greet their owners. The girls come flying at me barking as if they are cussing me out and then take off doing laps and tackling each other. I have to sit down and let them jump in my lap to discuss their day. Liebchen will come racing and dive into my lap. Then they want their teeth brushed because they know they can not eat until that happens.

panda - I hope you are feeling better.

mojov- I am glad you had a relaxing weekend and you are blessed to be able to take your critters.

My grandfather was a very spiritual person that guided you with love. You did not know what hit you most of the time yet you came out from the conversation thinking.

I remember one time that I took Cesca when I was traveling and arrived at the hotel. I was told they do not accept dogs. I asked if they were making a reference to my looks. They stumbled ver their words and said that no they could not let my dog stay there. I made a phone call and it was amazing how fast they changed their minds.

NCOMA- I have to go check that out. I hope Hero is back to normal.

I had a snake story 2. Liebchen was on her leash when I saw her rummaging in the mulch and leaves. I saw some movement and it was a snake. I immediately jerked her up in the air into my arms to keep from getting bitten. She did not know what had happened.

Snake story number 3

It seems like the same snake tried to get in the DML's sunning spot. He did not like sharing and he killed the snake. This time I was careful when I checked the snake and it was dead and sis not spring back to life like in snake story 1.


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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

Happy Wednesday to my PCC friends and furbabies!

Just stopping in to say a quick hello to everyone and offer hugs and prayers to those who need it!

Today was my official last day of school until July 28. That is when teachers go back and kids come a week later.

Have a blessed rest of your week, everyone! Hugs to each of you ad your furbabies!

Hugs, love and prayers!{#emotions_dlg.wub}


I'm not short...I'm fun size!
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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

Honking Hump Day!

I am glad I did not see any snakes today, but I did have to come to a stop on the way to work to let a mama duck and her babies cross the road.

I'm not sure Oscar would know what to do with a snake... and I hope I don't find out!

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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

Purrs-Day Morning Greetings

Wishing all of you wonderful friends a most amazing day today and that it's filled with much happiness.{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Praying that all is well with you,your families and all of your precious furry and feathered babies too.Smile


All of my children have paws =^..^= {#emotions_dlg.wub}

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Re: The Pet Chat Corner May 26 - June 1, 2014

On 5/27/2014 Sheltie Mom said: NChg, thank you for sharing that - oh my gosh, that story was so sweet! My Sheltie Bernice taught me a lesson on how animals care for each other. She had been brought up with another Sheltie, Jesse and our cat Macavity. First Jesse passed, then Macavity. I was talking to my mom on the phone one night while playing fetch with Bernice. Mom asked how she was doing, did she miss the cat? I said no, she seemed fine. At that point Bernice dropped the toy and went over and laid her head up on Macavity's favorite chair and looked over at me as to say "oh Mom, you are wrong, I do miss my friend." Boy, did she teach me something.

Sheltie - I cried when I read that. How beautiful are the hearts and souls of our furry friends. If we could all be like that, what a better world this would be.