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The Economy is looking very bright again..

Went to the Grocery. It was packed this week and
last week..Went to the Shopping Mall ...It was packed
No parking available... Went to the Restaurant it was
packed... It was a good thing my daughter made
reservations... We took the grand children for Yogurt
the place was packed... No remaining seats inside
or at the Patio...
Is the economy looking very bright in your neighborhood?
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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

I don't do a lot of brick-and-mortar shopping in the town where I live, but the parking lots look to be busy. My retirement investments have been showing some nice gains.

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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

No matter how good the economy gets, to some people, they'll always claim that the economy is in the toilet, because of their political leanings.

As for me, my dad's house sold in TWO DAYS, and at ABOVE asking price.

So, yeah, I think that the economy is looking good.

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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

In general, and not everybody: Looks 'bright' to me, parking lots always full. Restaurants, too. And, unfortunately, some folks with busy teens leaving their lights on all day and night long, even when not home, from what I've seen and heard. So, I'm guessing folks don't care about replacing their very expensive new energy-saving bulbs. 'Life is good', as they say. ...... (More or less.)

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

I guess it depends on where you are. I can't say I see any difference but here's really hoping....the mall here is often dead. Restaurants seem to do okay but are not constantly busy either.

Nothing to do with politics for me, I'm just saying I haven't noticed any upswing yet but I sure would be grateful and happy to do so. It would be very wonderful. Smiley Happy

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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

Hi, joey, South Florida took a beating in 2007-8 and it is slowly coming back. The value of my house dropped by 2/3 but it is now on paper assessing at higher levels than before the 2008 tanking of the stock market.

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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

On 3/29/2015 Plaid Pants said:

No matter how good the economy gets, to some people, they'll always claim that the economy is in the toilet, because of their political leanings.

As for me, my dad's house sold in TWO DAYS, and at ABOVE asking price.

So, yeah, I think that the economy is looking good.

Some people's personal economy is in the toilet, no matter what their political leanings are.

We're always had jobs, health insurance regardless of who was 'ruling' the country. It was our determination, not good fortune.

Congratulations to your father on the quick sale of his house. We've been pretty lucky with house sales, too.

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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

They say it's a buyers market again, hasn't been that way in awhile.

My neighbor has tried to sell his home the past two years. No offers. It sold this month in two days above market value.

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Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

On 3/29/2015 luvmyteddy said:

They say it's a buyers market again, hasn't been that way in awhile.

My neighbor has tried to sell his home the past two years. No offers. It sold this month in two days above market value.

I thought when homes sell quickly and above market value or asking price, that's a sellers' market.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The Economy is looking very bright again..

If you read/listen to financial experts you'll hear lots of chatter now about a pending recession. The second half of 2015 or 2016 seems to be the target where many are now expecting things to turn downhill a bit. How much is anyone's guess, but there's some considerable chatter these days about a pending recession on the horizon.

Truthfully there should be too as that's how the economy goes. There's an ebb and flow to the economy and things have been rising for a while now, so we're about due for a dip. The key is to keep the dip short and shallow and then rebound quickly. We don't need another long slow "recovery" where the economy just creeps along.

If you look at the history of our economy we go up, up and up then dive down, and bounce back up. This last recession kind of missed the bounce back up. We just rolled along at the bottom for a long, long time and only slowly crawled back up. If we get a bounce back up, the coming recession won't be much trouble. No matter who's in power though the economy never just goes straight up all of the time. There are rises and dips and the general consensus is that a dip is coming.

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