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Posts: 4,136
Registered: ‎06-03-2010

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart


I want to thank those of you who said a prayer for my daughter and grand daughter or sent some good positive energy their paid off.

Last night we went out looking again, we were checking a house that we had tied back to his sister......on previous nights there were no light, last night, the lights were on in the house......I was sneaking around lookin in windows and caught a glimpse of the X ran back to where we had the cars parked and let my daughter know he was in there..........she called the cops.........drama over, right???...........wrong..........cops came and would not give Ro back to my daughter, 1) because of the time of night it was (1:30 am)...... 2) here it comes back to bite us, her visitation papers were too vague as to when he was supposed to have and when he was supposed to give her back.......... and 3) he had filed an x parte hearing that was happening at 11 am today............the cop said he would let the courts settle at 11 we all were at the court house...........Ash was there with her attorney, the deputy sheriff was there and her attorney let the judge know that they had a hearing set for tomorrow and were ready to go IF the court wanted to hear it now..........the judge said at 11 the X presented his case............this was his case...........that last weekend was his weekend and Ash did not let him have Ro because they all were attending the graduation of Brad's sister in SF.................that was it................the judge threw his case out................he set Ash's case for 1:30 pm today after the lunch break.........but sent them to mediation on the visitation, the X refused to mediate

at 1:30 we go back into court and Ash's attorney presented her case.........the phony address, and phone numbers............the deputy sheriff who testified that the address was a phony and that he had called the X and has never received a call records showing Ash's attempts to reach him...........text records showing that they BOTH had agreed that he would have Ro for the day and bring her back by 8, constituting a written visitation arrangement that differed from their set arrangement but was did follow what was set, that IF they did alter it had to be in writing, which it was........then he produced the hospital records showing how all of this had affected Ash and her unborn the X as he realized he's in deep doo-doo interrupts the court saying why was my case thrown out and her's being heard...........the judge stopped everyone..........he looked at the X and told him, your case had no merit and it is not what this court is used for............her case however is exactly what this court is about, her daughter was not returned to her as per her divorce papers.....Mr.________ you need to drastically change your thinking.........the judge said he was ready to rule...........Ash has sole custody, the X gets Ro on the 1st & 3rd...... 2nd & 4th. weekend........but now instead of getting her at 5 on Friday and dropping her back off at 8 on Monday, it's pick up at 6 on Friday and drop off at 6 on Sunday.............he's actually getting less time with her then he had been getting.........he MUST pay child support and now must pay it through the courts..........he also has to carry Ro on his medical ins...............IF he continues to violate he will be looking at supervised visitation at his expense.......the X was also instructed to return Ro within one hour..........slams down the hammer.

Now him slammin down that hammer, dumb__it must have taken as his cue to really show his rump, so he did.............not a wise thing to do..............he was escorted out of the court room by the hour later in the Target parking lot we got our girl back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tonight we are all going out to dinner to celebrate and grand ma is bringing her baby girl a GIANT bouquet of helium balloons and ever darn one of them will play a song, that's her favorite kind of balloon.


We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo