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Panda123, that is so priceless. I came across the wedding card my mom wrote to me  (I have been married 27 years) and she passed away 2 years ago. Just seeing her handwriting made me cry. You do not get that from a pre-printed note card.

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@JerseyGirlNJ wrote:

Thank you Naes! My heart smiled when I read your post. I was raised to have respect and courtesy. If someone is going to send a pre-printed thank you at least sign it. As you know by now I am not a fan of pre-printed thank you notes. Maybe I shouldn't have said I am old fashioned. It's a matter of respect. Seriously how long does it take to write a hand written note?





    I read your reply message, also, with a big smile, because I absolutely know who is a lady and you certainly display to be as premo~ lovingly reared by your family.

   NEVER lose that rare inbred or taught part of you as Old Fashion, having sincere `Etiquette`. Age does not care who owns good manners. 

        Being old fashion: [That] has nothing to do with age.

Your question , I know ~ made a lot of posters think about this lost art.   Others, maybe not.

You, are indeed a lady... a very rare woman, having self esteem in this day and time. I know my husband can sense a real lady as soon, upon meeting her.

         We speak about this very same thing quite often. 

                ~From one poster friend to another~,


           " lady to another", I should say.


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@foundinlv wrote:

@JerseyGirlNJ wrote:

What are your thoughts on pre-printed thank you notes? Maybe I am old fashioned and like hand written thank you notes. I recently received a printed thank you, no written signature from my niece for her son's baptism gift. My other niece did the same thing for her wedding.

I prefer a personal touch in my own handwriting although one gift I received via UPS was extraordinary and I called up that person on the phone to tell her how much I loved it and how I will always cherish it because it came from her who I love so dear aunt.  

            ~ ~ ~ ~

         ..."this was so sweet". You mentioned youHeart loved her so much. How very endearing.

Also with JersayGirlNJ, when she read her latter from her MOM when she was alive; She cried. I have many precious letters from my parents, along with those from my family, each one. I cry also, but those letters in her, his handwriting are PRICELESS!

         Heart               ~~~             Heart                   ~~~Heart         ~~~Heart

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Hi Naes,


Thank you so much for the kind words. They are so truly appreciated. I am who I am and there is no changing that! I truly respected my parents and what they taught me. Living in NJ makes you tough and dealing with cancer makes it even tougher. Off topic I recently saw my 5th grade teacher. I still called her Mrs. Cope, not by her first name. I'm meeting some women I went to grade school with on Friday night. We try to meet 3 times a year. Smiley Happy

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@JerseyGirlNJ wrote:

Hi Naes,


Thank you so much for the kind words. They are so truly appreciated. I am who I am and there is no changing that! I truly respected my parents and what they taught me. Living in NJ makes you tough and dealing with cancer makes it even tougher. Off topic I recently saw my 5th grade teacher. I still called her Mrs. Cope, not by her first name. I'm meeting some women I went to grade school with on Friday night. We try to meet 3 times a year. Smiley Happy





            I've just read that you said ' _you are dealing with cancer_'. I am so sorry -very sorry and always saddened to hear of this frightening disease. There are several whom I know on the forums fighting this big "C", also.



Your statement, living in New Jersey, is exactly what I have thought for years, being tough, or in your situation~ geography .....makes you tough. I have no way in knowing exactly how true that may be but I really believe it depends on the individual. Please trust me that I mean that with my trusting sincerity.

I still say yes sir and yes ma'mam. seldom do I call anyone by their first name unless     ->I know that one very personally. As in high school from older reunions.-<

I hope you come around and keep us, at least myself updated when you feel up to it.  "What is nice that you get out, have a on going friendship and meet with each healthy that is for you.

God Bless Jersey'GIRL"< from NJ. 

                     ~WELCOME TO THE BOARDS~


  NAES/ for originally _Not an easy sale.  

                                    coming on 2011 of September .


***They said I had too many 'spaces' in my nick name' (???)

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@panda1234 wrote:

Just another thought on the subject. I have received many lovely thank you notes over the years and have saved them. Occasionally I will come across them and enjoy reading them. They just bring a warm feeling to my heart. I have a 93 year old aunt who insists on still writing thank yous with her crippled hands. Once she is gone I will have those to remember her by. 



What a sweet post and wonderful

idea @panda1234.❤️

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Hi Naes-


Hope you are having a great holiday weekend! I go back to Philadelphia in two weeks for my 3 month follow-up c-scan and I will see my oncologist and radiation oncologist. I have Leiomyosarcoma-rare cancer, 4 in 1 million get it. I'm very fortunate there are sarcoma specialists an hour away. It's been 4 years since I have been diagnosed and it has come back 3 times. I take one day at a time.


I have never been to one high school reuion! I graduated in 1981!! I do stay in touch with some classmates.


Have a wonderful week! Smiley Happy





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I was brought up to always send a thank you note for gifts.  I have had thank you notes embossed with my initials in the bottom right hand corner of the note which came with matching envelopes in a light lavender color.  You could use them for more than thank you notes as only my initials were embossed on the front.

Today, the children that are graduating H.S. and their generation don't send Thank you notes and I think it is horrible not to thank someone for your gift especially if it was mailed to them.  Even a phone call or email to say thank you but instead it is NOTHING. 

Cat HappyCat Happy

kindness is strength
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Hi KatCat1,


I totally agree with you. I'm not sure what has happened with today's society and etiquette.  That reminds me, I never got a thank you from my nephew for his high school graduation gift! Geesh!



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Seriously - how difficult can it possibly be to buy a thank you card and write I really appreciated the whatever gift you recieved, and I'm sure I will use it often and sign you name. This is not rocket science for cripes sake.