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•••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

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"AT&T's "It Can Wait" campaign hasn't pulled any punches in educating cellphone users about the dangers of texting and driving.

Previously, the company and BBDO New York tapped
director Werner Herzog
to document the lives of real people whose lives were shattered by texting-related accidents (film "From One Second to the Next.").

Now, to mark the campaign's fifth anniversary,

they've created this beautiful, but horrifying film that shows how not just a text, but any smartphone activity while driving, can endanger users and those around them.

Directed by Anonymous Content's Frederic Planchon, the longform ad depicts what starts out as an average day in the lives of six different characters:
a boy rides his bike through town,
a man purchases a lottery ticket
and hopes to win millions,
a woman gets her child ready to go out
and run errands.

But when the mother quickly glances down at her social media post while on the road, the "minor" distraction turns out to have tragic consequences for her family and others.

The new film is part of an integrated campaign launching this week that also includes 30-second spots, online teasers and a 3D virtual reality simulator that all show the potential fatal consequences of engaging with your phone while driving."

("The Story Behind AT&T's Disturbing Phone-Safety Ad" at

(Werner Herzog's Heartbreaking Documentary at






Here's the "It Can Wait" video on Youtube:

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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

I wish it was shown here in the South; cell phones are legal while operating a vehicle. I was behind a woman weaving erratically between 2 lanes. As I was passing her ( I went quickly while I could) I could see she was taking selfies while driving. My associates 66 year old DH texts while driving-poor example imho.

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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

@maestra wrote:

I wish it was shown here in the South; cell phones are legal while operating a vehicle. I was behind a woman weaving erratically between 2 lanes. As I was passing her ( I went quickly while I could) I could see she was taking selfies while driving. My associates 66 year old DH texts while driving-poor example imho.


I'm not sure where it's aired @maestra

but I wish it or something like it

was required viewing everywhere 

for every driver.

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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

I've seen this ad several times, cable provider is TWC. It's a stunner-and well done.

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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

I'm sorry, but, for the life of me, I cannot believe anyone would be stupid enough to text while driving ..... it's like trying to watch TV while driving!!!   

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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

Another one I saw this morning.......

You can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl. Jersey Girl living in CNY.
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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

[ Edited ]
newziesuzie, The video you linked has shown in my area. It really is riveting and needs to be broadcast more frequently. I don't use my cell phone when driving, but the realism of this video is exceptional. I don't know how anyone seeing it wouldn't stop and rethink about texting while driving.
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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

[ Edited ]

These commercials need to be seen.  I totally understand that.


What I don't understand is why these Corporate Service Announcements (ATT) only focus solely on "Texting".


I wish they would say, "DISTRACTED and Driving Cautionary Video".


Much akin to the 'guns don't kill, people do" adage, it's silly to focus on just one of the zillion of distractions we have when driving.  It's not texting that's causing the's the distraction. 



Even if the phone was in the back seat, distractions..or even a glance could be one of anything, 


-) looking at the radio,

-) checking on the baby,

-) picking up a dropped tube of mascara,

-) dropping a cigarette,

-) eating in the car,

-) looking at a map,

-) or even as illustrated in many comedies, men looking at a pretty girl walking down the street causing an accident!


Of course, the King of distractions is and will always be Alcohol & Drunk driving, but alcohol will always be separated w/ the statistics because it can be legally governed.   I can't be arrested for looking at a map.


There has to be a reason why texting is separated....follow the money trail. 


DISTRACTED and Driving....that's the key.


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Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••

One of my favorite tv shows is "Myth Busters", and recently they tested to see if talking on a hand free phone was safer than talking on a cell phone that you hold while driving. They had thirty people in a simulator, fifteen drove while talking on a hand held phone, and fifteen drove while talking on a hands free phone. They found that talking on a hands free phone is just as distracting as talking on a hand held phone.


But one can be alone in a car, radio off, and the driver can have their mind on other things. I think if we're honest with ourselves, almost all of us have conversed with our passengers as we drove, and thought about stuff as we were driving. It's almost impossible to not be distracted in some way shape or form while driving. 


I mean, if there is road work going on, you have to read the signs to know what lane to be in, etc. Those signs are a distraction. You are taking your eyes off of the road in order to read them. 


My point is, there will always be distractions while driving, and to avoid all of them is impossible. People are going to drink their coffee or water when they drive. People are going to converse with their passengers. It is unrealistic to expect there to be NO distractions while we drive. Even glancing at your spedometer to make sure that you're not accidentally speeding is a distraction. 


So while we can try to limit the number of distractions, we can't eliminate all of them completely. That's just not realistic.

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

Re: •••Texting & Driving Cautionary Video•••



If a person ain't got enough smarts(common sense) to understand these dangers? They should not be given the "PRIVILEGE" to operate any motor vehicle, and if they do? Read my next paragraph.



Kick the penalty up to 5 figures of $$$$ and 1 year in the State Prison on 1st offense. Do it again? Everything doubles and no "plead out deals", period.


Unfortunately many human beings need a "wake up call", and I would prefer waking them before they maim someone(s) life/lives, or kill them. But like many laws, wait till after the fact, because "it's such a harmless crime" to drive and text.  SURE IT IS!
