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I don't know if it will ever be possible to test everyone but tests shouild be available for any business that opens back up.  Having everyone tested will not guarantee it will be gone.  Most businesses want to have each employee tested and testing guaranteed after that for employees that may have contracted  it before allowing them back and are making changes so there can be social distancing wherever possible.  While the area where I am  has very few in the hospital but those who might have it are being told by the ER and their doctors to just self quarantine instead of being tested.  No one seems to care about all those they may have had contact with.   Until there is a HUGE drop in those in hospitals and death rates are way down letting most businesses open is ridiculous.




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Hi @Mom2Dogs 


My simple answer? We won't. When our lives start moving again, I have no intention of asking anyone "have you been tested". If they volunteer out of the blue to tell me, fine! 


I plan on treating this like our medical records should be treated, and that is with "confidentiality", between the  patient and their doctor(s). Never have asked anyone "do you have the flu, or have you had a flu shot", and this virus will not change that for me now, or in the future.


Probably not an answer you want to hear, but you did ask, no?




hckynut 🏒

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If we ever get to the point of antibody and immunity testing or vaccinations, we could just obtain virus free ID cards, or have a little blue heart put on our drivers licenses or something similar. No need for dystopian marks of the beast or alien implants or forehead barcode tattoos.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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@Tadaki wrote:

What's up with how we still can't get tested unless we are already 99% sure we have it?Makes no sense.  It's not a perfect solution, but it could be 1 tool among other things that could help us get back on our feet.  It seems to me that it would be especially valuable to identify those who have no symptoms, but do have the virus.  



 I've got some very explicit thoughts as to the lack of

PPE, Respirators, Testing Kits, Planning, and Informed Unified Guidance - based on Science, not Magical Thinking, or Revisionist History.


However, Posting them here would get me Banned forever.  

So, I'm sitting on my paws.  🤐

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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@Porcelain wrote:

If we ever get to the point of antibody and immunity testing or vaccinations, we could just obtain virus free ID cards, or have a little blue heart put on our drivers licenses or something similar. No need for dystopian marks of the beast or alien implants or forehead barcode tattoos.

Oh yea, right... And so we'd all have to go to the DMV, wait in line for hours absorbing God knows what other germs, then wait for hours more until our number is called to get our official virus free ID card... That'd work...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Registered: ‎02-19-2014

@stevieb wrote:

@Porcelain wrote:

If we ever get to the point of antibody and immunity testing or vaccinations, we could just obtain virus free ID cards, or have a little blue heart put on our drivers licenses or something similar. No need for dystopian marks of the beast or alien implants or forehead barcode tattoos.

Oh yea, right... And so we'd all have to go to the DMV, wait in line for hours absorbing God knows what other germs, then wait for hours more until our number is called to get our official virus free ID card... That'd work...

Well sure you could set it up that way. Or you could try to do it in a way that worked. I'm not with the government, so there's no need to try to hold me accountable for some kind of digital certification back to work scheme.


If you really want a virus face tattoo, go right ahead.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr