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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

Seems to me that parents today are doing a good job.


From the Guttmacher Institute, considered THE expert on charting this behavior:


"The progress the nation has made over the last few decades in reducing teen pregnancy has been extraordinary. After years of increases in the 1970s and 1980s, the teen pregnancy rate peaked in 1990 and has declined steadily since.1 Today, teen pregnancy, birth and abortion rates have reached historic lows. What is more, teen pregnancy rates have fallen in all 50 states and among all racial and ethnic groups."

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

@ROMARY wrote:

Hi, Noel........Happy New Year to you and all here.  This is off topic: Wondering if you heard about (at Detroit Auto Show) a new car of the future that will offer electronics to be able to talk to other drivers on the road.?)  I caught the very end of it, and I was climbing stairs with a laundry basket, so I don't have any links.  Anyway, I just thought I'd ask you.  Sorry if I interfered with this thread.  Haven't read it yet, but I will later on. 





I am so glad to see you!  It seems like such a long time since you've been on the board, I was worried about you Smiley Happy


I haven't heard about the new car invention, but we ought not to go off topic here Smiley Happy

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

What we really need to work on, imo. are STD rates, which are really high for adults and teens.


Find out the details and teach protection, especially that it can cause infertility.

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

[ Edited ]

Oh great yet another thread that is disparaging of todays parents raising kids. Hey baby boomers, you had your chance and let me tell you many of your kids weren't too impressed with the job you did either.


All of you complaining about teens having sex, which generation is it that brought us the sexual revolution, high divorce rates and latch key kids?  Yea, your generation might want to look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers.

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

[ Edited ]

@JAXS Mom wrote:

Oh great yet another thread that is disparaging of todays parents raising kids. Hey baby boomers, you had your chance and let me tell you many of your kids weren't too impressed with the job you did either.


All of you complaining about teens having sex, which generation is it that brought us the sexual revolution, high divorce rates and latch key kids?  Yea, your generation might want to look in the mirror before you start pointing fingers.



@jaxs mom


Not everyone is complaining about parents today, here's my comment:


"Seems to me that parents today are doing a good job."


And not everyone is complaining about kids having sex, as if that never happened before.  Teen sex happened way before the sexual revolution, obviously in prehistoric times.



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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

Yes I saw your post. I didn't say everyone. I specifically said, all those complaining. It should go without saying that if you're not doing the things I mentioned then my comment doesn't apply. Apparently I need to add that to my sig line. 

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

@JAXS Mom wrote:

Yes I saw your post. I didn't say everyone. I specifically said, all those complaining. It should go without saying that if you're not doing the things I mentioned then my comment doesn't apply. Apparently I need to add that to my sig line. 



Numerous posters disagreed with blaming parents.  You swept with a broad brush, I don't see the tread as condemning parents today, just some posters. 

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

Oh, and hi, @brii, as always Smiley Happy

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

@Noel7 wrote:

I can't believe some posters here think this is about today's parents.  Good grief, have people not read the Scarlet Letter?  Romeo & Juliet? 


A young cousin of my father's got pregnant during WW2 by a young solider she had a crush on.


There were two girls in my high school graduating class who were pregnant.


This is nothing new, folks.

Sure there were always teens doing it and getting pregnant. Usually these teens were not doing it steady like teens of today and had only done it once or twice and then got pregnant because of lack of info.  There are fewer pregnancies today because better birth control but there are higher stats of teens having regular se# and many parents just accept it.  Of course they are having se# regularly since they are allowed to spend so much alone time with each other which is just a natural progression in relationships where so much time is spent alone with each other.  I stand by my statement that many of today's parents don't parent well and are more concerned with their lives.  Their teens are allowed to spend free time together alone instead of parents limiting the time a teen can spend with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

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Re: Teenagers getting Started Early

They don't know how many pregnancies there are today, if they are gotten rid of.


Some people apparently feel embarrassed to talk to their kids about the subject but I never did, not even with my son. He and I are psychic twins, though......