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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

Usually without sweetener, milk, or cream. Some teas have the flavor enhanced with a touch of milk or sugar, so I'll occasionally add those to some of my teas.

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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

On 3/5/2014 chickenbutt said:

Nekkid! Just tea. Nothing but tea and hot water - not boiling, of course, but hot water.

Same deal for iced tea - just tea and water.

I'm with you Chickenbutt. I drink usually Iced Tea all year around and no sugar mostly. Sometimes when in the mood I add just a tad of sugar. I too like Black Tea. I also like Chai tea.

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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

I buy Arizona diet tea (blueberry) in a jug and put ice in a glass and drink it. I don't like tea or coffee but this is the closest I can get to it and still call it tea. Hubby drinks hot green tea.

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Registered: ‎08-11-2010

Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

just tea and sugar..straight up

Posts: 44
Registered: ‎09-13-2011

Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

I like a little sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice in my hot and iced tea.

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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

I get a lot of teas from Republic of Tea mail order and like them a lot. I don't add anything.

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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

Hot tea with sugar. Iced tea no sugar.
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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

I only drink black tea with a little honey or sweetener and fresh lemon if I have it. Never, never cream or milk. I like my tea very strong, dark and hot! I usually buy Barry's Tea from Ireland either online or at a gourmet shop if I can find it. When my sister travels to London she always brings me tea from Harrod's Dept. store. Once in awhile I will drink Bigelow Constant Comment (orange/spice/clove). I drink tea throughout the day in the winter and drink iced tea all summer but it must me homemade, I don't care for anything out of a carton or bottle.

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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

When I drink black tea, I like it with a little honey and lemon. When I drink herbal or flavored teas, I usually find they have enough flavor to stand on their own. I love hot tea in chilly weather.

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Re: Tea Drinkers, How Do You Take Your Tea?

I drink more coffee than tea but I enjoy green tea with just a bit of Agave. When I was growing up my Dad would pour so much sugar in his tea it became a joke ""dad you having any tea with that sugar"" and it was normal for me to have milk and two teaspoons of sugar from a young age. I don't know what age I was but I was still young and one day I decided no more sugar and to this day I still don't use it in tea or coffee. Once in a great while I will get the urge and just put a little raw sugar in if I'm out for a special dinner. Just cut back a little at a time.