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Re: Taking things personally

@PamfromCT wrote:

I wonder about the details.  Did he feel this put him in danger of an accident?  My DH used to have a long highway commute, and he had some hair-raising close calls.  

Just sayin’.  The speeds on our Route 91 have gotten quite high

I honestly stopped listening after the first few renditions.  Apparently someone need to get over to get off highway.  Roads are no longer for they faint of heart.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Taking things personally

@SloopJohnB wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:
These days people seem to take things that happen in live as if they are a personal attack. Had a co-worker come in today that apparently was cut off on the highway. He would not let it go all day as of he picked him specifically. Seems so unproductive to hold on to this anger over something he has no control over.

@CrazyDaisy   Glad though that all he did was complain about it to others as opposed to respond in kind.  Otherwise sounds like it could easily have become a road rage situation.

Yea, but he was back on the road last night to go home....still upset.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Taking things personally

@wagirl wrote:

I have noticed that too--think it started to be a thing in 2016------and for 4 years that was the example that we all saw-----toxic and non productive------ 

I didn't know that political posts were allowed here. Very uncalled for but  some posters drink Kool-Aid.

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Re: Taking things personally

@RetRN wrote:

@wagirl wrote:

I have noticed that too--think it started to be a thing in 2016------and for 4 years that was the example that we all saw-----toxic and non productive------ 

I didn't know that political posts were allowed here. Very uncalled for but  some posters drink Kool-Aid.

And some posters think they need  to control.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Taking things personally

@goldensrbest wrote:

Well ,some times it is personal  like shutting down chat forum,just to line pockets with even more cash ,to this company ,ceo.

Taking a business decision personally is pointless.  Products are discontinued,  businesses are closed etc everyday.  These decisions are not made just to hurt you.  That would be like saying the store closed early just so I could not shop there, eventhough they may be having issues staffing those hours.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: Taking things personally

Some people are just in a constant state of low agitation and almost any untoward situation sets them off.  

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Re: Taking things personally

I think it is a sickness--my soon to be ex--has a hair trigger temper and will rage about the dumbest things--he seems to think----it is being done to him personally on purpose---have seen him red faced with the veins sticking out of this neck and spewing curses---told him to settle down-----if he has a stroke, I will not be there to take care of him ---one of the many reasons he is going to become an "EX"---counting the days........👀

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Re: Taking things personally

Why complain @wagirl? you chose to marry him. 

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Re: Taking things personally

I am so tired of hearing about entitlement.  Well BOO HOO, so you are not given everything you want and it doesn't just fall out of the sky.


Things happen to all of us, some of us do have to do more to get somewhere than others, but guess what?  Here in this country you have the opportunity to do that.  Elsewhere in the world you don't have a shot at it.


I had to change the way I spoke, dressed, and behaved and worked my fanny off for 40 years on long hard days to get somewhere, but you know what entitles me?  The fact that I live in the United States of America and had the chance to work my fanny off to get somewhere.


So everyone isn't born with a silver spoon.  You are born with the change to make something of yourself and be a good human being.  People around the world aren't that lucky.  

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Re: Taking things personally

@RetRN ---what kind of a responce it that???  Was not complaining just stating an example and I am correcting that awful mistake!! WOW!!!--