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I met her back in the late 80's and was amazed at how breathtakingly beautiful she was. Much prettier in person than she looked on TV, and she looked pretty great on TV. She had the best smile. Very nice lady. RIP.
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God Speed Suzanne.


You gave many of us years of laughter and entertainment. 




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Registered: ‎03-02-2016
Yes, I read it on CNN this morning. Very sad. She was a fighter for sure and lived her life as she pleased. RIP Suzanne. no more pain.
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@Oznell wrote:

Such a strong, tenacious, funny and life-affirming individual.  She survived a sad, turbulent childhood, capitalized on her performing talent, and built an entrepreneurial empire.  RIP Suzanne Somers. 

She did make a better life for herself, but I knew her family.  I should say her sbilings. The family lived five houses  away from mine in San Francisco.

I am 10 years older than her,  so they must have moved to San  Bruno when she was born.  It was right after the war WW11. and families were moving to the suburbs. 

If I remember , her siblings went to the same catholic school as I.In SF.

I never read her book about her father. I do remember how upset my father was when she wrote the book, because they  had been friends, but more so because you didn,t air dirty laundry.  

My father was not abusive or mean, but all the men in the neighborhood were very strict.and  most, not all, were alcoholics.. 

The neighborhood was Italian and Irish. Both heavy drinkers.

Everything was tough back then, after the war and during the war.

I did enjoy all Suzanne Somers(Mahoney) work and humor.

I hurt for her husband and family.. Her husband is my age and you can die of a broken heart.  The poor man.

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This is so sad to hear! Man Sad

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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She was a part of my history.  I benefitted from her products and enjoyed her cookbooks.  

She had a lot of courage to undergo unconvetional treatments for her cancers.  Until the cure is found, we will learn a lot from her efforts on diet, nutrition, and excerside.  Most of all, a positive and peaceful attitude. 


Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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@qvcaddition ,  fascinating to get a first hand view of the environment in which she grew up-- thank you for sharing that.

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@blondiechick wrote:

I loved the days of  Colleen and Suzanne on HSN. They use to crack me up watching them together.  I even got to talk to her on HSN on the air.  


Not sure but it sounds like she had muliple occurances of breast cancer thru the years but did not publicize it until a few months ago.


I noticed in her last videos on her instagram account that she looked and sounded weak.  Then they annouced her breast cancer came back.


Ahhh so sad!  RIP Suzanne!

@blondiechick  That  was the time when my husband died (he was 52 and myself younger.)  


Anyway she cracked me up and I had good laughs with Coleen and Suzanne.  Spilling tea or whaever it was on the table.


She would have been a good friend IMO.  I was just talking to my brother today and we mentioned her.  


A lovely spirit - no one could crush it.


I hope her husband makes it, They were a real couple.  It hapened to my Step Dad. When my Mom passed 2 years ago, he went with 11 months. as well.


It was so strange as he 9 or 10 years youmger and in the best of health. Yet, my brother had to put him in a home and it happened.