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Darn....that woman knows how to sell clothing.  I was scrolling through new clothing & I came across this.  I purchased it in gold.  A274437. It's on wait list.  Typical of Graver.  Those colors go fast.  I didn't have to wait to see the video.  I wanted it.  Who care what she's yakking about?  She delivers.

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I am having major problems lately with the constant swinging of the body, the bragging on how good she is, the speaking and interrupting the Host, and just the whole entire, Me Myself and I attitude.......not at all appealing........


New host for her is horrible to include the new QVC host who did the workout videos for God, stop yelling and bouncing around not entertaining or pleasing

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Susan did not let Sandra was horrible.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

It's just not we QVC watchers that think SG is way over the top , my son who does not watch much TV let alone QVC was walking past the TV and said OMG mom that woman is on again talking over the host. I asked him how he even knows who SG is and he said he thought there were two TVs on the other day until he walked into my bedroom and heard SG and the host talking over each other and SG flying all over the set. He said Mom how can you stand to watch this stuff! So see ladies it's not just us and the remedy is to just not watch her shows.

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My husband walked in the room and asked why I was watching "that annoying woman". I like a lot of her clothes but Susan drives me crazy!

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Maybe they keep her on for "WHAT NOT TO DO" training purposes.

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@songbird  Yes, I have that on my "save for later" list.  I do not wear tunics, though, just liked the neckline.  Do you wear it with leggings?

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@floozy  You criticize her, but you made about 7 grammar and spelling errors in your post, including the spelling of "grammar."  No one is perfect, not me, not her, and not you.

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Registered: ‎06-10-2010

today on the 3/10 show was just like always.Her talking over every sewed line of theitem,and talking faster.never taking a breath.The hosts usually just stand there.I know she is making $ for qvc,but her actions are terrible.I am sure she is worth millions by now.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

@Another new name Sue  You are so right about nobody being perfect, you just proved it.