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@SydneyH wrote:

This may have been covered before but does Bey own a pair of pants?  She looked ridiculous up there and almost fell on her rear end.

I agree.

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Re: Super Bowl 50 Halftime

[ Edited ]

@SuzieGarnet wrote:

For the 50th I'd of love to see some bigger names- several artists to honor 50 years..  Like Jagger, Springsteen, Aerosmith, Paul McCartney...





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Re: Super Bowl 50 Halftime

[ Edited ]

@Daisy wrote:

B's performance was ok...nothing great.


What's with those same, ugly swimsuit-style outfits she seems to favor? No one wants to see her big thighs/legs...the same with her butt hanging out. She should get some nicer outifts that cover up a little more.

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Well, this thread certainly took a creepy, uncomfortable turn.

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We are not a sports family so we don't watch the game but did turn in at 1/2 time the 'show' was just beginning.  We were only hoping to see a commercial or two......I did not like the Beyonce much butt wagging and I heard she had a police escort to the game and then did a tribute to 'black lives matter'....hmmmmm.



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Re: Super Bowl 50 Halftime

[ Edited ]

@Renna wrote:

I didn't care for the halftime show worst one ever. I think they should have tried to get as many past performers to entertain us Now that would have been fabulous!

 Good thing I love football. 

Congrats Broncos and Von Miller MVP Robot tongue

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@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

I read Beyoncé is supposed to sing some controversial song at Halftime.




    She paid "tribute" to the black panthers!  Really??  Disgusting!

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She needs a new outfit. It reminds me of SNL almost 10 yrs ago. It's been done to death.

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The only good part was Bruno....the rest was hideous. What a visual MESS. Do they really think we need 10,000 things going on all at once? The combo of Coldplay, Bruno & Beyonce was just a hot mess. All they needed was Bruno singing & dancing the entire time. He's AMAZING, & I can't get enough of that song!

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They should invite JT back!! It's been 12 yrs, I believe