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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

Stuffing goes IN the bird

dressing goes ON the bird


that said if someone asked for dressing in my house, they most likly would get dressing for the salad, lol!

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to this. I have strong New England roots and we have always called it dressing. Whatever the case, it is my absolute favorite. I would gladly skip the rest of the meal and have a plate full of dressing with gravy. Of course I probably would gain 5 lbs by the next day!

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

It is Stuffing, because that is what you do to the turkey cavities. You stuff them.  Dressing is what I do when I put clothes on.

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

Some parts of this country it is called filling.

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

A scoop of each, please Woman Wink

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

Another vote for stuffing when in the bird and dressing when in the pan.  It's funny because it was the same recipe so I have no idea why we called it something different based on location.  Stuffing/dressing was popular in our house so there was always an extra pan or two of it.

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

We've always called it stuffing, even though it's cooked outside of the bird. 

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

@Bridgegal  No, but I had a German grandma and she called it Filling so I imagine that's where it came from. 

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

Neither, I do not like either stuffing or dressing, never liked it!

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Re: 🤔Stuffing or Dressing

Call it whatever you want to call it, just don't use that gawd awful stuff that comes in a bag or box.  LOL   I make my stuffing/dressing with my grandmother's recipe and I think it's best cooked in the turkey but I make an additional pan of it to go with leftovers.